
  1. cosminpa

    Hikvision Motion Detection 2.0 Ip Camera on Motion Detection 1.0 NVR

    It is possible to filter the motion detection events by human and vehicle on Motion Detection 1.0 NVR if camera has Motion Detection 2.0 (Acusense)? I am refering to Normal Hikvision Motion Detection, not Permietral or Line Crossing!
  2. N

    Port 8000 Only Port Open after factory Reset

    Hello, I have a hikvision ds-2cd6986f-h and I'm unable to configure it using Hikvision tool (Batch Configuration). I did a Nmap scan and it appears that the 8000 port is the only port open. I can ping the device. I'm able to use SADP to change the IP address but the issue persists. It was like...
  3. B

    Hikvision DS-KD8003 back light and IR

    Hello all, Just wanted to know if anyone know if the DS-KD8003 integrates the back light button and IR turned on during night periods and not just when people presses the button. Thanks
  4. J

    Doing Firmware updates and Surprise! One camera is Chinese.

    Was doing a firmware update to fix an issue on another model Hikvision camera, and figured what the heck, I'll update all the cameras..... So on my 4th one, all DS-2CD2032-I models it flashes fine, reboots, and goes into a reboot loop. Went out and did the hold-reset-power-on, still boot loops...
  5. ruwan

    How to send Selected hikvision IP camera Recording from NVR TO NAS, (Camera Doesnot Have NAS Connection option)

    How to send Selected hikvision IP camera Recording from NVR TO NAS, (Camera Doesnot Have NAS Connection opti
  6. hmmdi

    problem it IR led hikvision ds-2cd2142fwd-i

    problem it is ir led on all continue without connected and without video plz help me
  7. C

    Help with reconfiguring Hikvision DS-2CD2532FIS in BI

    Hi. I have been struggling for a while to restore my Hik 2532 config in BlueIris. It failed around the time (may or may not be related) that I tested out the Synology SS option - silly me! In any case it hasn't worked since about that time and I constantly see a "No Signal" error. I haven't...
  8. B

    Trouble Connecting Hikvision cameras to Qnap NVR

    Im setting up my friends NVR, got all the cameras connected and recording. I just left all the cameras the default names (ex Camera 1, Camera 2) until my friend was around to tell me what he wanted them labeled as. We renamed them to what they are and then none of them would reconnect back to...
  9. F

    Hikvision DS-2DE4A320IW-DE: Can't set complex password

    Hi all, Hope you can help me with an issue: I have a Hikvision DS-2DE4A320IW-DE 3Mpx camera (Firmware V5.4.8 build 170210, which is the latest I think) I haver no issues accessing the camera (Either directly or through the NVR), but I am unable to set a more complex password: It only accepts...
  10. masmith22

    Hikvsion DS-2CD2F42FWD-IS 4mm lens

    Have 2 Hikvsion DS-2CD2F42FWD-IS 4mm lens cameras available for $120 plus shipping within the USA only. Hikvision English DS-2CD2F42FWD-IS 4MP Wireless POE WDR Mini PTZ | eBay