
  1. fenderman

    4.0.2 - March 12, 2015

    4.0.2 - March 12, 2015 The Windows Performance Data Helper (PDH) is now used to get CPU usage time for display within the software. This should provide more accurate information on multiple-physical-processor systems. Flash/RTMP streaming to UStream should now be functional on 64-bit systems...
  2. bp2008

    Hikvision camera admin password reset tool

    If you have ever locked yourself out of a Hikvision camera or NVR by forgetting the admin password, and had to beg Hikvision or anyone else for an unlock code, you will appreciate this. I present a small tool that lets you generate your own unlock codes which can be entered into SADP to reset...
  3. P

    Retreiving cam password

    Hello, Yesterday I reveived a new DS-2CD2132F-IS (from China via Aliexpress). Got it working in BI within 5 minutes. Product seems great. This morning, having not completly woke up, I deleted the new password for this cam from my PW app. From what I've seen from the previous model (2132I)...
  4. D

    How often does your HikVision NVR become "comatose"? What do you then do?

    Hi guys, Some months ago, I had a great ordeal with my new HikVision DS-7608NI-SE/P dying on me - and even a replacement unit also dying. Anyway, I received back a re-installed PCB from HikVision, which I then installed in my NVR and got back in business. Firmware is now V2.3.9 build 140820...