24 Hours of snapshots

I dont believe this can be done in BI. The closest you can get is setting up two clone cameras and just record 1 at 1fps and the other on motion.

yep, that's what i've been doing... it works, but you end out up 2x the number of cameras and not really a great solution overall..
yeah its not perfect, i have cloned cameras set for alert purposes, i have the alert cameras hidden so i never see them on the screen.
That is perfect. You can easily jump to the motion areas. Can you zoom in on the timeline bar? Based on the update notes, Ken is working on a timeline feature for blue iris.
For Dahua, in the Web Interface, you can zoom in on the timeline, but not in PSS. I wish you were able to though. But, PSS, does have an hour bar and a minute bar so it's not so bad.