2nd Amendment thread

I haven't kept up with ammo prices like I should, I saw this on ZeroHedge.


"Attorney General Sean D. Reyes is joining Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach, Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird, and Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen, 23 other state attorneys general and the Arizona State Legislature in a public comment letter demanding that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms drop a proposed rule that violates the Second Amendment. The proposed rule would make any individual who sells a firearm for profit liable to civil, administrative, and even criminal penalties."

Equity… Family members of the armed robber killed by a store clerk are angry the clerk was armed. Their brother counted on the store’s policy as a ‘gun-free’ zone to ensure his safety. h/t


TikTok @thatdivicsteacher .. honestly, the quality of our educators is very low .. amazed they were able to get teaching degrees with their lack of knowledge

"Where does it say that you have a right to an AR-15 in the 2nd amendment ? .. "


"The Constition is a limit on the government, not on us or our rights. This woman, unsurprisingly, is unequipped to teach civics. Or anything else if I had to guess. "

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I used to listen to Neal Bortz when he had his regular talk show (I consider myself a Libertarian). He'd always say that those moving from the High Schools to College to pursue teaching degrees were consistently the bottom dwellers in terms of grades and SAT scores. The opposite of the cream of the crop. Our worst performers become teachers in the gubermint indoctrination centers.

And before anyone gets mad about this regarding their spouse being a teacher he pointed out there are clearly a few good educators but they are the rare exception.
This is why Michael Savage is correct when he says that "liberalism is a mental disorder". Even if you explained it to her she still would not understand it and she'd just repeat what she already said about the AR-15. It's a complete waste of time to debate with liberals. They have a loose wire and it takes too much effort to reconnect the "logic wire". This is why it's so entertaining to watch conservatives debate lefties. For example: