Governor Kristi Noem led off her State of the State speech with this...
"...#10 Freedom to Keep and Bear Arms
We protect our Second Amendment rights. Constitutional Carry was the very first bill that I signed into law. Two years ago, you all worked with me to make our state the first in the nation to waive all fees for concealed carry permits. We even pay for people’s federal background checks. It doesn’t cost South Dakotans a penny to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights. And last year, I signed an Executive Order which says that the State will not do business with any financial institution who infringes on people’s 2nd Amendment Rights.
We have been able to market our state as a 2nd Amendment haven. My Office of Economic Development is actively working to recruit firearms businesses from states that infringe on the 2nd Amendment to move here. Last year, California became the first state in America to levy a special tax on guns and ammunition, and we immediately invited California gun manufacturers to move here to South Dakota.
We’ve proven that Freedom works for these gun manufacturers. They’re moving here, growing, and thriving. Cole-TAC in Rapid City and Silencer Central in Sioux Falls have both had leadership who moved to South Dakota for a better life. These folks built thriving companies that employ South Dakotans and help our people exercise their 2nd Amendment rights. Other companies like H-S Precision, Black Hills Ammunition, and TS Custom Precision Rifles are a big part of helping this industry grow in South Dakota. Many of the leaders of these firearms businesses here with us today, would you all please stand? Thank you for giving South Dakotans the opportunity to utilize their Second Amendment rights!
And we aren’t going to stop there. Just last month, our Department of Game, Fish & Parks began moving dirt for a world-class shooting range West River.
The South Dakota Shooting Sports Complex will be the premier firearms range in the Midwest. But the Biden Administration is undermining this project by changing the rules after they had already signed off. I am working with GFP to continue to build this range which will host world class events here in South Dakota and impact our economy long term."
Check out the link for the Shooting Sports Complex. I believe this will be considered a state park-- free to use.