2nd Amendment thread

I lost all my guns at the lake, or something
Me too!
If you were to point out historical facts like this and how past gun taxes/ legislation were aimed to keep people in poverty (minority) from buying firearms to all the SJW's that "fight injustices"...... They wouldn't believe it.. Mind blowing how they are sheep and can't think for themselves..

When the bad story actors gain control of the Edu system and MSM / Social Media.. ( i.e. lost of the 1st amendment power by the other side ) - then the result is uneducated indoctrinated sheep.
Wow. From your link:
8 Republican lawmakers voted with the Democrats to pass the “Background Checks Act” that prohibits private firearms transfers without having a background check.

We need to know who they are and make sure they do not get reelected.
Hmmm seems there are 2 bills, HR8 and HR1446. I need to sort through them.

The article I read said:

8 Republican lawmakers voted with the Democrats to pass the “Background Checks Act” that prohibits private firearms transfers without having a background check:

Vern Buchanan (FL)
Brian Fitzpatrick (PA)
Maria Salazar (FL)
Andrew Garbarino (NY)
Chris Smith (NJ)
Fred Upton (MI)
Carlos Gimenez (FL)
Adam Kinzinger (IL)
I was just listing the cosponsors. At that time I could not find the vote roll call.
That may be it, I dont see the roll call either just sponsors as you show
That may be it, I dont see the roll call either just sponsors as you show
Wow, I really screwed the pooch on that one. I got the bill from 2019. Sorry.

Here are the Republican cosponsors of this years bill:
^^^ "Cheeky wanker"! :lol: