2nd Amendment thread

Hi @SyconsciousAu

There's more on the AR15 topic here .. .223 and 5.56mm Nato specs .. so not just semi-auto vs auto will be the topic ..

Those of us, who I affectionately like to call gun nerds, who can cite the SAAMI specs for each round might enjoy such a technical debate, but it isn't going to sway the chattering masses. It's just not a hill that I think anyone who loves their shooting, and loves their firearms should be seeking to die on. I know there are quite a few professional users of firearms on here, and would hope that we could all acknowledge that any difference in effectiveness between the two rounds would be lost on the poor bastard we just shot with it in most situations.

If I was in your situation, I would start running from the "it's my 2A right" position and move towards self regulation. Your rights in the United States appear only as guaranteed as your politically loaded Supreme Court says they are. It's a hypothetical, but imagine if some extreme left wing group committed a terrorist attack that took out the full bench, or even a series of terrorist attacks that took out all of the conservative justices, leaving the current administration free to pick the wokest judges in the United States? Don't make the mistake of taking it for granted that your "right" to bear arms is absolute. Start planning for the day where you will need a good argument to retain that right, because, if you don't believe that there could be a perfect storm where woke liberals will hold sufficient power to amend 2A, then you are fighting with your eyes closed.
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Those of us, who I affectionately like to call gun nerds, who can cite the SAAMI specs for each round might enjoy such a technical debate, but it isn't going to sway the chattering masses. It's just not a hill that I think anyone who loves their shooting, and loves their firearms should be seeking to die on. I know there are quite a few professional users of firearms on here, and would hope that we could all acknowledge that any difference in effectiveness between the two rounds would be lost on the poor bastard we just shot with it in most situations.

If I was in your situation, I would start running from the "it's my 2A right" position and move towards self regulation. Your rights in the United States appear only as guaranteed as your politically loaded Supreme Court says they are. It's a hypothetical, but imagine if some extreme left wing group committed a terrorist attack that took out the full bench, or even a series of terrorist attacks that took out all of the conservative justices, leaving the current administration free to pick the wokest judges in the United States? Don't make the mistake of taking it for granted that your "right" to bear arms is absolute. Start planning for the day where you will need a good argument to retain that right, because, if you don't believe that there could be a perfect storm where woke liberals will hold sufficient power to amend 2A, then you are fighting with your eyes closed.

We almost had a perfect storm .. Trump's election prevented Hillary from taking that throne imho ..
We almost had a perfect storm .. Trump's election

I'm an outsider, looking in, so my assessment is just an interpretation of what I see, but I think that Trumps election has polarised the United States even further, and had the unintended consequence of stoking extremism on both sides of the political divide. If there is a centre voice in there, it's pretty well drowned out. Social media doesn't help because the algorithms feed more of the same content to people, not contrary or opposing views. There will always be nutjobs, on both sides of the political spectrum, but now those nutjobs are living in an echo chamber that continues to feed their lunacy, and in a country with such liberal access to weaponry, that isn't a good thing.
I'm an outsider, looking in, so my assessment is just an interpretation of what I see, but I think that Trumps election has polarised the United States even further, and had the unintended consequence of stoking extremism on both sides of the political divide. If there is a centre voice in there, it's pretty well drowned out. Social media doesn't help because the algorithms feed more of the same content to people, not contrary or opposing views. There will always be nutjobs, on both sides of the political spectrum, but now those nutjobs are living in an echo chamber that continues to feed their lunacy, and in a country with such liberal access to weaponry, that isn't a good thing.
I disagree in one aspect....the media has amplified, sensationalized and reinforced the notion of spreading and/or widespread extremism with far right leanings......there's some but IMO, not to the extent they'd like you to believe.

Our left-leaning media has lost TONS of viewership (money) the past 2 years and they are desperate to improve same...one of the ways is to interest their target audience (the left/liberals) with stories, real or not, about how the big, bad boogey man (the right) is secretly breeding super-humans that feed on the flesh of liberals that they have torn apart with their bare hands......

TLDR: Don't believe everything you hear/see/read from the U.S. of A. media machine---- they relabel fiction as fact for their own purposes. :wtf:
TLDR: Don't believe everything you hear/see/read from the U.S. of A. media machine

I don't tend to take anything the media says as gospel, unless I can verify it myself. I like primary sources, such as the FBI.

The top threats we face from DVEs are from those we categorize as racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists (RMVEs) and anti-government or anti-authority violent extremists. While RMVEs who advocate for the superiority of the white race were the primary source of lethal attacks perpetrated by DVEs in 2018 and 2019, anti-government or anti-authority violent extremists, specifically, militia violent extremists and anarchist violent extremists, were responsible for three of the four lethal DVE attacks in 2020. Notably, this included the first lethal attack committed by an anarchist violent extremist in over 20 years.

As you can see the actual number of these things happening versus the actual number reported in the media are very different. That's because professionals follow what the evidence shows. Unfortunately there is no money in the old saying, when you hear hoof beats, think horses, not zebras, and media is very fond making assumptions about motivation based on very tenuous premises, for example ascribing a racial motivation to an attack based on the colour of the victim when no offender was ever identified.
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I don't tend to take anything the media says as gospel, unless I can verify it myself. I like primary sources, such as the FBI.
You're not serious, are you?

I had a lot of faith and trust in the FBI but that all went up in smoke over the last 5 or 6 years. At this point I would be more apt to believe what a Russian official would tell me and it saddens me to feel that way.
The article states "...In the Bronx on Thursday, a young man allegedly firing a toy water gun was fatally shot by an off-duty city Department of Correction officer, who has since been arrested. "

So here's my question:
If that toy gun was so dangerous and the young man pointed one at a DOC officer, why was the DOC officer arrested? :idk:

People of NYC should sleep better tonight knowing there's 1 less water gun out there..............
Actually, those idiots aren't needed in NYC, NY or anywhere.
People who live in NY and keep voting for scumbags who make and enforce these ridiculous laws, should stay in NY. We don’t want or need you in Florida
.....or Alabama.:mad:
Yes FBI UCR data is reasonably good. (The organization has become untrustworthy)

Actually BJS incorporates the UCR along with other data. Their site is horrible to locate stuff on but there’s a tremendous amount of data if you’re willing to dig,

Why wouldn't I be? The UCRP is the best source of primary numbers in the United States.
A site with a mission statement such as this below? It's laughable! :lmao:

Our Mission
Protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United States
  • Protect civil rights
  • Combat transnational criminal enterprises
  • Combat significant white-collar crime
  • Combat significant violent crime