2nd Amendment thread


IPCT Contributor
Sep 25, 2016
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Evansville, In. USA
I remember the same thing happen to an actor named Jon-Erik Hexum about 40 years ago. Put the gun loaded with blanks to his temple and pulled the trigger.

Blanks aren't really blank, when used at close range, even a "blank" can kill due to the wad exiting the barrel.

It sounds like the prop master in Alec's case was the dip shit, they are responsible for making sure that proper blanks are used, and no real ammo is anywhere on set. On set safety procedures were obviously not followed. Never get complacent with fire arms or do stupid shit with them.
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Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
I want to know why these anti-gun people have anything to do with movies that use guns? Guns appearing in movies and TV shows just normalize them and if anything would lead to more people wanting them. These idiots rant against guns, but when it comes to making money with them, it's perfectly ok. Maybe I'm in the wrong thread, should be in Liberal Progressive Hypocrisy?


IPCT Contributor
Sep 25, 2016
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Evansville, In. USA
I want to know why these anti-gun people have anything to do with movies that use guns? Guns appearing in movies and TV shows just normalize them and if anything would lead to more people wanting them. These idiots rant against guns, but when it comes to making money with them, it's perfectly ok. Maybe I'm in the wrong thread, should be in Liberal Progressive Hypocrisy?
With all of them, it's do as I say, not as I do.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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I want to know why these anti-gun people have anything to do with movies that use guns? Guns appearing in movies and TV shows just normalize them and if anything would lead to more people wanting them. These idiots rant against guns, but when it comes to making money with them, it's perfectly ok. Maybe I'm in the wrong thread, should be in Liberal Progressive Hypocrisy?
Spot on @tigerwillow1

and @looney2ns .. always do as I say .. one set of rules for us.. another for them ..
Nov 25, 2016
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It sounds like the prop master in Alec's case was the dip shit, they are responsible for making sure that proper blanks are used, and no real ammo is anywhere on set. On set safety procedures were obviously not followed. Never get complacent with fire arms or do stupid shit with them.
Regardless of the status of the weapon, what was Baldwin doing pointing it at the Director of Photography and pulling the trigger? Just goofing around? Having some fun?

It should be interesting to learn the actual circumstances behind the shooting. I suspect that Baldwin aimed and pulled the trigger deliberately, ignoring the most basic safety rules for gun use.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Alec Baldwin .. going to blame someone else .. and use this to double down on this anti-gun stance .. saying the Gun did it, not I.



The tweet:

I see that
wants to “take back the truth.” And she doesn’t care how many dead bodies she has to step over in that pursuit. The Second Amendment is not a moral credit card that buys you all the guns you want. That law needs to be rethought.



IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Alec Baldwin .. anti-NRA anti-Hunting .. clearly needed some of those NRA safety classes .. and perhaps the State of California should have required all actors to take a firearms safety class, get finger printed, background checked, a waiting period, before touching any firearm ..



IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Interesting to see who Alec called an idiot and dangerous ..


Sep 4

Larry Elder is a dangerous idiot. And I mean Trump level dangerous. Vote NO on the recall


Perhaps it is time to give Alec the lockdown he wishes for ??


Alec happy for gun suits to have even more gun control ??
.. and Alec did not have enough personal gun control to not follow the basic rules of gun safety.


safety rules...


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Good Article ... yes, information is still coming out ... I am certain a lot of what we have seen so far is attempts to cover up the issue.

"prop gun" - should be real gun.

noticed this article also on the American Thinker:
October 23, 2021
Why would anyone believe the IRS should be trusted with vast new snooping powers?

posting a ref here just in case .. :


text ( again best to hit the main link that was posted )
October 23, 2021
No, let's not be kind to Alec
By J.R. Dunn

There have been a number of suggestions, from the conservative press as much as elsewhere, that we should go easy on poor Alec Baldwin concerning the terrible “accident” that resulted in a “tragedy” at his New Mexico filming location.
No, we should not. It was not an accident, and it is not a tragedy.
There a four primary rules of firearms handling, codified many years ago by firearms expert Jeff Cooper. Everyone serious about firearms has long ago committed them to memory:
  1. Every gun is always loaded.
  2. Never put your finger on the trigger until you are about to shoot.
  3. Never aim at anything you are not willing to destroy.
  4. Be absolutely certain about what is behind your target.
It seems clear that Baldwin ignored every last one of these. He didn’t bother to check his weapon to see if it was loaded. He had his finger on the trigger in an insecure situation. He aimed it at two people. His director Joel Souza was standing behind Halyna Hutchins, who was killed. Souza was evidently hit by the same round.
Baldwin has long been an outspoken advocate of gun control. He has generally presented himself as an expert – he generally presents himself as an expert on everything that has ever happened since humans first appeared on the Serengeti. His remarks concerning firearms have been sarcastic, vindictive, and dismissive of anyone with the temerity to disagree. Second Amendment supporters, on the other hand, have long suspected that his firearms expertise, as is true of most gun control advocates, has been rudimentary at best. And now… whatayya know.

As the narrative evolves, the incident is looking much less like an accident and much more like a crime. The professional Hollywood film crew abandoned the production only hours before the shooting, and were replaced by clueless locals. The crew’s complaints appear to be largely based on safety – there were two other firearms incidents reported the previous week. It appears that no armorer or firearms master was present on scene to oversee use of firearms, as is standard practice in the industry.
Baldwin was co-producing the film, and therefore is directly responsible. So no – he should not be let slide. He should be chased from pillar to post, and if the facts fall out the way they seem to be doing, should be prosecuted. Anything less is a defiance of law and an act of disrespect for the victim.