2nd Amendment thread

“Despite being widely used by law enforcement and civilians across the country for personal protection, New Jersey’s draconian laws prohibit the possession of commonly used hollow-point ammunition outside the home, leaving residents to carry substandard full metal jacket ammunition instead,”


“Despite being widely used by law enforcement and civilians across the country for personal protection, New Jersey’s draconian laws prohibit the possession of commonly used hollow-point ammunition outside the home, leaving residents to carry substandard full metal jacket ammunition instead,”

Hard bullets = "cop killer bullets" .. so let's ban them
Soft / Hollow point bullets = horrible killer bullets .. so let's ban them

bottom line, it's a way to ban firearms if you can not load them
Grrrrrrr.... Bondi is pitching Red Flag actions to Trump....
EDIT-- as noted below-- this vid is actually from 2018. I did not know she had that perspective-- I likely would not have supported her appointment.

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Good news is this is 7 years old.
She starts that shit, especially right now with FAR more important things going on, and there will be a backlash like you've never seen
Not as serious as the California life-and-death level nonsense, the dems in Oregon put in a bill to tax tire sales 4% to fund public transportation. They just won't stop, and the idiot voters keep enabling them.
What a fucking clown show.
EDIT: and I was talking about Dems at the address to Congress. wrong damn thread.
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