That one is 80+Titanium. It is better than 92% efficient from 10% load to 100% load (at 230v supply). They’ve made a lot of improvements in power supplies to get these efficiency numbers up (if you can afford to buy into those higher tiers). Even the lowest certified tiers (bronze/white) would be at least 80% efficient (considered to be basically garbage nowadays) from 20% load to 100% load
But yeah agree with you that I hope @tech101 has some other uses that make him some MONEY with that machine, because its a monster and certainly overkill for just BI. However, not wanting to be a kettle, since I am doing something similarly silly!
But yeah agree with you that I hope @tech101 has some other uses that make him some MONEY with that machine, because its a monster and certainly overkill for just BI. However, not wanting to be a kettle, since I am doing something similarly silly!