As a note I have upgraded a camera to 5.3.2 firmware and the WDR problem remains. I have set the noise reduction to 100 to see is that problem is any better and I'll know more once someone drives by the camera. I messed with the settings a lot and by adjusting the contrast on the camera side I was able to improve the image in the shadowed areas so WDR is not needed as much for this specific shot on this one camera.
As for monitor settings, sure I could adjust the brightness and gamma and who knows what else to make the camera image appear better, but then ALL other images on the computer screen look horrible. To adjust the grayness out it would distort all other images. If I'm seeing it as grey at work, and you re seeing it as grey on your end, and my laptop is seeing it as grey (screen shots were taken from my laptop), and my desktop is seeing it as grey then I have to lay the blame at the camera foot lol. Also, the camera looks perfect with WDR off so it is not just a monitor issue.
I have well over 1,000 cameras over 84 separate PC based NVRs and other than some basic important settings like WDR and shutter speed and such I never touch the actual image settings. Default is fine and works in 98% of the conditions I use them in, I cannot devote the time to making sure every single camera is perfect. Every other camera has no issues like these so it again points directly to the camera as being the culprit.