5.4.5 Network Disconnected Exceptions

Although I can see the network interface reset effects of the Hikvision network checker program "/bin/network_deamon" (sic) in firmware 5.4.5 when no traffic is being pulled from the camera, I have not seen any lockups or other bad effects due to it.
It's curious why it seems to be causing some problems in some environments.

However - as an experiment, and to share, I have created a version of the IPC_R0_EN_STD_5.4.5_170123 firmware which does not run this network checker program.
I've applied it via the web GUI Maintenance menu to my test 2232 and the modded firmware was accepted, and the program no longer shows as it used to in the ps (process) list.

So if anyone that's having these issues would like to test out the firmware and see if it changes anything, the file is attached.
As always - be aware that with Hikvision firmware operations, there is always a level of risk.

Good luck!


Although I can see the network interface reset effects of the Hikvision network checker program "/bin/network_deamon" (sic) in firmware 5.4.5 when no traffic is being pulled from the camera, I have not seen any lockups or other bad effects due to it.
It's curious why it seems to be causing some problems in some environments.

However - as an experiment, and to share, I have created a version of the IPC_R0_EN_STD_5.4.5_170123 firmware which does not run this network checker program.
I've applied it via the web GUI Maintenance menu to my test 2232 and the modded firmware was accepted, and the program no longer shows as it used to in the ps (process) list.

So if anyone that's having these issues would like to test out the firmware and see if it changes anything, the file is attached.
As always - be aware that with Hikvision firmware operations, there is always a level of risk.

Good luck!
Ok i try it !

My DS-2CD2432 cameras did the same thing as @Todely after going to 5.4.5 recently. The ones that were active on the network were fine, but the ones that were infrequently checked required a hard power cycle to recover.

A work-around I used was to force the NTP update to 1 minute - the cameras were pinging the NVR for time updates and so far they've lasted about a week.

I'll try your firmware this weekend and see if it helps!
Did a brick-fix tool / full upgrade method / fixup Roundup for 6 cameras.
Had ntp time for 1 minute for a few days but it did not help, i have no nvr. Upgraded all cam mod firmware and now a couple of days without any problems.
Upgraded all cam mod firmware and now a couple of days without any problems.
This does suggest that the new Hikvision 'network check / recover tool' doesn't work correctly for all environments.
I expect they are watching and taking note.
Though apparently they have changed the check time in the 5.5.0 firmware, but that does not remove the underlying problem, just changes it a bit.
Did a brick-fix tool / full upgrade method / fixup Roundup for 6 cameras.
And well done on that!
I still have the issues, which pings resolve. Most of my cameras are R6 and running 5.5.0, so I didn’t bother trying your firmware.
OK - so if anyone would like to test it out, attached is an R6 modded version with the 'network_deamon' (sic) program killed off like so :
echo "And now to kill off the network_deamon network checker."
NWD=`ps | awk ' NF == 11 && /deamon/ {print $1}'`;kill $NWD

As always - there is some risk with Hikvision firmware operations, proceed with this in mind.
But I tested it on a DS-2CD2042WD-I and it worked OK.
Good luck!


Any chance of creating a patched 5.5.0 versus 5.4.5? While I fear upgrading Hikvision firmware, I fear Hikvision’s constant security issues more.
Any chance of creating a patched 5.5.0 versus 5.4.5?
Well, I didn't want to taint my little DS-2CD2042WD with the much-maligned 5.5.0 firmware as I'd then need to figure out how to downgrade it again.
But curiosity got the better of me.
Again - a reminder that we never know what hidden traps Hikvision have put in the way of 'improvements', attached is a version of 5.5.0 that has the 'good intentions but somewhat flawed' network_deamon (sic) program killed off.

It did install OK via a web GUI update from the 5.4.5 version, and appears to do what I wanted it to, it no longer shows in the ps (process) list :
alastair@PC-I5 ~ $ ssh admin@
admin@'s password:
# ps
    1 admin     2244 S    init
    2 admin        0 SW   [kthreadd]
    3 admin        0 SW   [ksoftirqd/0]
    4 admin        0 SW   [kworker/0:0]
    5 admin        0 SW<  [kworker/0:0H]
    6 admin        0 SW   [kworker/u2:0]
    7 admin        0 SW<  [khelper]
    8 admin        0 SW   [kdevtmpfs]
    9 admin        0 SW<  [writeback]
   10 admin        0 SW<  [bioset]
   11 admin        0 SW<  [crypto]
   12 admin        0 SW<  [kblockd]
   13 admin        0 SW   [kworker/u2:1]
   22 admin        0 SW   [kworker/0:1]
   23 admin        0 SW<  [rpciod]
   24 admin        0 SW   [kswapd0]
   25 admin        0 SWN  [ksmd]
   26 admin        0 SW   [fsnotify_mark]
   27 admin        0 SW<  [nfsiod]
   28 admin        0 SW<  [cifsiod]
   42 admin        0 SW   [spi0]
   45 admin        0 SW<  [deferwq]
   55 admin     1404 S <  /sbin/udevd -d
  254 admin     1860 S    /sbin/dropbear -R -I 1800
  271 admin        0 SW   [ubi_bgt1d]
  278 admin        0 SW   [ubifs_bgt1_0]
  282 admin        0 SW   [ubi_bgt3d]
  287 admin        0 SW   [ubifs_bgt3_0]
  292 admin        0 SW   [ubi_bgt4d]
  299 admin        0 SW   [ubifs_bgt4_0]
  304 admin     2244 S    {guard.sh} /bin/sh /usr/sbin/guard.sh
  308 admin     2112 S    sleep 300
  351 admin        0 SW   [iav_guard]
  380 admin        0 DW   [mark_mergeable]
  397 admin        0 SW   [khubd]
  548 admin     1872 S    /bin/execSystemCmd
  550 admin     5972 S    /home/process/daemon_fsp_app
  556 admin    18336 S    /home/process/database_process
  557 admin    17548 S    /home/process/net_process
  571 admin     197m S <  /home/davinci
  575 admin        0 SW   [kworker/u2:2]
  599 admin     240m S    ./hikdsp
  614 admin     2248 S    /bin/sh
  615 admin     2244 S    init
  759 admin     2144 R    /sbin/dropbear -R -I 1800
  766 admin     2248 S    /bin/sh
  778 admin     2248 R    ps
# prtHardInfo
Start at 2017-11-20 20:47:22
Serial NO :DS-2CD2042WD-I20160927BBWR653529240
V5.5.0 build 170725
NetProcess Version: 5.10.2 [20:30:33-Jul 18 2017]
Path: /Camera/Platform/Trunk/FSP_network_protocol
Last Changed Rev: 299284
Last Changed Date: 2017-07-14 17:00:38 +0800 (Fri, 14 Jul 2017)

Db Encrypt Version: 65537
Db Major Version: 1184
Db svn info:
Path: /Camera/Platform/Branches/branches_frontend_software_platform/IPC_develop_branch/IPC_5.5.0_R6_R7_E3_G0_H3_G1
Last Changed Rev: 302188
Last Changed Date: 2017-07-25 14:57:17 +0800 (Tue, 25 Jul 2017)
hardwareVersion    = 0x0
hardWareExtVersion    = 0x0
encodeChans        = 1
decodeChans        = 1
alarmInNums        = 0
alarmOutNums        = 0
ataCtrlNums        = 0
flashChipNums        = 0
rms                = 0x4000000
networksNums        = 1
language            = 1
devType            = 0x22208
net reboot count    = 0
vi_type            = 32
firmwareCode        = 0000000200000100000000010781bc6f000000010000000100000002ffffffff050500000011071900022208
Path: /Camera/Platform/Branches/branches_frontend_software_platform/IPC_develop_branch/IPC_5.5.0_R6_R7_E3_G0_H3_G1
Last Changed Rev: 302188
Last Changed Date: 2017-07-25 14:57:17 +0800 (Tue, 25 Jul 2017)



...attached is a version of 5.5.0 that has the 'good intentions but somewhat flawed' network_deamon (sic) program killed off.
Thank you for taking the time to create this. Does the ML in the file name denote a language? The official firmware uses EN. Also, might I run into any issues if I try to revert to the OEM firmware? How about upgrading to a future updated OEM firmware? Sorry for my ignorance here.
Does the ML in the file name denote a language?
ML denotes Multi-Language. The firmware has about 15 sets of language files built in.
I'd normally pick up the firmware from the EU portal here DOWNLOAD PORTAL which is EN only, but it looks like I picked the original for this from here Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co. Ltd. as the EU portal didn't yet have the 5.5.0 release.
Also, might I run into any issues if I try to revert to the OEM firmware?
I'm not quite sure what you mean - my understanding was that you had Hikvision cameras as opposed to OEM branded. But you're probably meaning 'the stock firmware' in which case I'd say it should be OK.
How about upgrading to a future updated OEM firmware?
In truth you can never tell what tricks Hikvision will get up to in future firmware revisions - it's really so stupid, in my view.
But I doubt f there would be some sort of lockout from some trace that modded firmware had been previously installed. Though they have done this in the past. Why do China region cameras 'brick' when updated as opposed to just changing to CN menus?

The most likely problem could be that your camera upgrade program has implemented a code-signing check and might just reject the modded firmmware.
The DS-2CD2042WD I tested it on doesn't have such a check - and I don't know if the same model manufactured later may have this.
Perhaps @montecrypto would know and might helpfully comment.

I didn't like the way the 5.5.0 firmware now handles the automatic day/night mode, it seemed to stay in colour far too long, so I downgraded to 5.4.5
It took me all of 5mins (well, probably nearer 10 in truth) to overcome the firmware's objections to being downgraded.
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Reactions: vasycara and Bink
The modified firmware fixed my DS-2CD2432F-IW! It would go offline after about half a day and I would need to pull power (PoE, no WiFi) to get it back online. Knock on wood, but it has been up for 2 days on the modified firmware without issue.

I did notice something odd though, that camera does not show up in the SADP tool but my three DS-2CD2035FWDs are there. Not a big deal at all and might not even be related, but something I noticed.
Knock on wood, but it has been up for 2 days on the modified firmware without issue.
That's a good result, thanks for sharing.
I did notice something odd though, that camera does not show up in the SADP tool but my three DS-2CD2035FWDs are there. Not a big deal at all and might not even be related, but something I noticed.
That is a bit odd - and I would not have thought it related, as all the change has done is to stop the 'network traffic checker' program from running.
And presumably it's the R0 5.4.5 modded firmware - which does not have the configuration to enable / disable various services that the 5.5.0 firmware does.
Guys/Alastair I also have this problem on 2432F cubes where they disconnect from the network. Two of my cams are doing it out of three cubes.

The others are dome 4mp seems ok on 5.4.0.

What is the general solution and fix for R0 cube cameras?

I "upgraded" two days ago to 5.4.0 using brickfixv2 and the 2432f's disconnect after a period.

Also Push Notifications are broken... so sick of Hikvision bugs ... who in their QA tests their rubbish software?

Is there a fix for this or just to apply Alastairs software.

Great ... gained gmail with 5.4 but broke connectivity and push notifications.

Other companies will over take Hikvision with this sort of consistant rubbish software. Already see some friends using some other prosumer brands that just work.