Many thanks wittaj!@Dave Lonsdale - here you go:
Release DeepStack Dark Scene Objects Detection - Custom Model · OlafenwaMoses/DeepStack_ExDark
A DeepStack Custom Model for object detection API to detect objects in the dark/night images. It detects the following objects Bicycle Boat Bottle Bus Chair Car Cat Cup Dog Motorbike People Table is working fine for me. DS is working for detection.Last weekend I noticed I was not on the latest version ( After updating I seem to be getting almost no objects IDed on one box but the other seems to still work fine. Cancelled alerts say DeepStack -1. Tried rebooting and such.
Updated to soon after it became available.
Still almost nothing getting IDed. Running a clip of me returning from the mailbox registered my face and nothing else. I've unchecked custom models, "default objects and face recog but that did not help. Cancelled alerts say DeepStack -1. Tried rebooting and such.
Last night, I finally downgraded the troubled server to which seemed to get things working in analyse again but I still only saw 4 IDs overnight. Looking at videos in analyse there should have been the more normal of at least 10 times more. (I have a cam pointed at a heavily visited feeder with others that should see critters coming and going). The 1000+ cancelled alerts since the downgrade are back to saying "nothing found". Still digging but I'm starting to think I'm going to have to reinstall BI to sort.
My other BI5 server seems to be working fine on Of course the one not working right is the more important of the 2.
Wish there was better logging / debug options to work with so I provide useful feedback other than it is not working. As a developer I know I hate just getting "it is broke" as a description. To fix a bug you generally need enough info to dup the problem.
Also going to need way to filter by objects seen at some point. It is an obvious feature oversight.