Getting comfortable
Try the attached, I made some changes
I can confirm that the small tweaks to allows CUDA to work using a GTX 1650

if cuda and "GeForce GTX 16" in torch.cuda.get_device_name():
self.half = False
Try the attached, I made some changes
Great news, hopefully it works for all GTX 16XXI can confirm that the small tweaks to allows CUDA to work using a GTX 1650
if cuda and "GeForce GTX 16" in torch.cuda.get_device_name():
self.half = False
Nice work! It’s working on my 1660 super . Thanks Mike.Great new, hopefully it works for all GTX 16XX
Run the attached script and post the results. I think it is the same issue as the GTX 16XX GPU and should be able to fix it.I wasn't really expecting the replacement of would get CP AI working here with my Quadro T600 GPU, as it seems to be with those having a GTX 16XX GPU, and this proved to be so.
Apart from seeing a lot of "Nothing found" in the log files in BI Status, and in the logs in Program Files>CodeProject>AI> nothing shows up that I interpret as being of significance.
Mike, the CP Dashboard with this latest software, how do I get to display the choice of running Code Project in CPU mode or GPU mode?
In BI Global Settings>AI I am using AI server on and in the next box port 5000. Should it be any different than port 5000. I see other posts suggesting a different port is being used.
Bi here with 8 cameras CPU is between 6% to 7%, RAM 700.9M, GPU 15%
You need to add some of the desired objects (person, car, truck, etc..) into the "To Confirm:" box for each camera.Thanks Mike but here not really any progress. I'm on the same file that you last posted.
I changed the port to 32186 but still getting the same results, Detect Scene yes, otherwise no predictions otherwise, or "Nothing found" despite lots of green ticks in BI Status log AI.. Compared with you I have all green bars enabled except Object Detection (NET). Background Remover is green and CPU, all the others GPU(CUDA). I have 196 events in YOLO. It keeps going up and up as I write this reply, 202 now, 248 now.
Why don't I have any framing of objects that AI is processing. Perhaps it's not getting through to the engine?
My hardware info I did post before but it's attached here again.
Night time here and not the best time to be doing tests as there's less activity around the property.
On the cameras' AI should I select main stream if available? They currently are not.
To confirm box: nothing
To cancel: banana.
Custom models: ipcam-combined mostly, some cameras have ip-general.
Mark as vehicle: car,truck,bus,vehicle.
In Global Settings AI Default Object Selection remains de-seleted.
Thanks Mike but here not really any progress. I'm on the same file that you last posted.
I changed the port to 32186 but still getting the same results, Detect Scene yes, otherwise no predictions otherwise, or "Nothing found" despite lots of green ticks in BI Status log AI.. Compared with you I have all green bars enabled except Object Detection (NET). Background Remover is green and CPU, all the others GPU(CUDA). I have 196 events in YOLO. It keeps going up and up as I write this reply, 202 now, 248 now.
Why don't I have any framing of objects that AI is processing. Perhaps it's not getting through to the engine?
My hardware info I did post before but it's attached here again.
Night time here and not the best time to be doing tests as there's less activity around the property.
On the cameras' AI should I select main stream if available? They currently are not.
To confirm box: nothing
To cancel: banana.
Custom models: ipcam-combined mostly, some cameras have ip-general.
Mark as vehicle: car,truck,bus,vehicle.
In Global Settings AI Default Object Selection remains de-seleted.
Contrary to the issues with GPU functionality the CPU side of things is solid and working well.You guys are a lot more patient than me, I'm glad you are there testing all this, and I'm sure CodeProject really appreciates you, meanwhile I'm gonna wait this out for awhile.
You guys are a lot more patient than me, I'm glad you are there testing all this, and I'm sure CodeProject really appreciates you, meanwhile I'm gonna wait this out for awhile.
Contrary to the issues with GPU functionality the CPU side of things is solid and working well.
1. I saw someone using some delivery model to get alerted when a delivery vehicle is detected. How would I go about setting this up? Will it effect what I am currently confirming on? Like if I figure out how to add this model, is the default model still used so I can continue to get alerted on person, car, etc?
You can clone the camera and then setup the delivery model accordingly on the cloned camera. The custom model can be found here.
Bingo Mike - I’ve just replaced the file and AI is working! Thanks a bunch! AI had been down for ages.5.5.8 - June 13, 2022 - Code Project’s SenseAI Version 1 - See V2 here
Every look as it should, does it work if you use CPU instead of GPU Yes. It’ll also work if I backdate the code ai to an earlier version , don’t recall what version. I deleted the installer. Granted it was one of the first version I believe. Also tried uninstalling the Nvidia drivers
Follow the instructions in the above post using the attached. This should make CUDA work for you
Great news, I will have the CP team add the fix the next release.Bingo Mike - I’ve just replaced the file and AI is working! Thanks a bunch! AI had been down for ages.
I had already installed the latest CP version and so far as I know I’m still using my T600 for the AI. I will now be able to experiment with the various object detection files - ipcam-whatever and the yolo5 family etc. At the moment the registry path is edited to ObjectDetectionYolo\custom-models.