IPCT Contributor
What Confifuration > Video > Pofile are you running? "Baseline," "Main" or "High?"
No. When you log into the camera with your web browser.
https://www.ipcamtalk.com/showthrea...stroyer-for-90?p=109282&viewfull=1#post109282Just did and realized I had the latest. I posted the SW version, not the FW. (
I do not have that option. Maybe I'm on a different FW.
It would have been better for the /snap.jpg to have been retained with an authentication requirement as opposed to being removed completely.
But for those who want it back, even in an insecure way, here is one way it could be done:
i can change the WDR-Setting (Image/Sensor Linear WDR) on my S500 to whatever i want, there is no difference in the image.
If i change the Ircut Mode to B/W the image stays in color.
Is this normal?
Im lost. Is that a gui that is on the cam already, or is it loaded? Sorry to be so green.