Accessing Lorex LNC204 stream


Jan 14, 2015

I just bought a Lorex LNC204 and I'm unable to access the rtsp Stream. The camera works fine with the Lorex software. As usual, nothing about this in the manual. I found on the net that the url should be "rtsp://ip_address/cam_id.password".

Doesn't work for me. Anyone has any hints how to access this cam? I tried with BI and VLC...

Have you tried the lorex hd or some of the others from the dropdown menu? what is the error message?
I tried them all (or most). The error message depend on the port accessed. On port 554 I'm getting Error 503 "service unavalable" and on 8999 I get 800 something access denied.
Have you verified that the ipaddress, user name password and ports are correct?
Such a 'non-standard' (de facto at least ...) camera!
No ONVIF support - so you can't query the camera with ONVIF Device Manager and find all there is to know about it.
No on-line user manuals - that I could find.
And worst of all - no mention of the specific model RTSP stream in iSpyConnect!!
Maybe try rtsp://IPADDRESS:554/video.mp4
Such a 'non-standard' (de facto at least ...) camera!
No ONVIF support - so you can't query the camera with ONVIF Device Manager and find all there is to know about it.
No on-line user manuals - that I could find.
And worst of all - no mention of the specific model RTSP stream in iSpyConnect!!
Maybe try rtsp://IPADDRESS:554/video.mp4

Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing. It'll be back in its box pretty soon...