Amazon accuses customer of racism & shuts down their smart home - ENOUGH CLOUD JUNK! : Louis Rossmann


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Cloud Dependency = Bad .. anyone can decide to shut you down .. your smart home shut down due to a disgruntled Amazon delivery person

Amazon accuses customer of racism & shuts down their smart home - ENOUGH CLOUD JUNK!
Louis Rossmann



IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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A Tale of Unwanted Disruption: My Week Without Amazon

Wednesday, May 31, 2023, I finally regained access to my Amazon account after an unexpected and unwarranted lockout that lasted nearly a week, from Thursday, May 25. This wasn’t just a simple inconvenience, though. I have a smart home, and my primary means of interfacing with all the devices and automations is through Amazon Echo devices via Alexa. This incident left me with a house full of unresponsive devices, a silent Alexa, and a lot of questions.


Unpacking the Cause
The sequence of events that led to this digital exile began innocuously enough. A package was delivered to my house on Wednesday, May 24, and everything seemed fine. The following day, however, I found that my Echo Show had signed out, and I was unable to interact with my smart home devices. My initial assumption was that someone might have attempted to access my account repeatedly, triggering a lockout. I use a fairly old email address for my Amazon account, and it’s plausible that an old password might have been exposed in a past data breach. However, I currently use strong, auto-generated passwords via Apple and employ two-factor authentication with an authenticator app, so unauthorized access seemed unlikely.

I swiftly checked my other accounts (social media, streaming apps, etc.) to ensure I hadn’t been compromised. All seemed normal, with no flood of notifications from Microsoft Authenticator that would indicate an attempted breach. Puzzled, I followed the advice of the Amazon app and dialed the customer service number it provided. That’s when things began to take a surreal turn.

An Unexpected Accusation
The representative told me I should have received an email, which I indeed found in my inbox. It was from an executive at Amazon. As I dialed the number provided in the email, I half-wondered if Amazon was experiencing some issues and I was unwittingly falling into a scam.

When I connected with the executive, they asked if I knew why my account had been locked. When I answered I was unsure, their tone turned somewhat accusatory. I was told that the driver who had delivered my package reported receiving racist remarks from my “Ring doorbell” (it’s actually a Eufy, but I’ll let it slide).

Addressing the Problem
Here’s where things got even more baffling. First, I have multiple cameras recording everything that happens on my property. If the driver’s claims were accurate, I could easily verify them with video footage. Second, most delivery drivers in my area share the same race as me and my family. It seemed highly unlikely that we would make such remarks. Finally, when I asked what time the alleged incident occurred, I realized it was practically impossible for anyone in my house to have made those comments, as nobody was home around that time (approximately 6:05 PM).

I reviewed the footage and confirmed that no such comments had been made. Instead, the Eufy doorbell had issued an automated response: “Excuse me, can I help you?” The driver, who was walking away and wearing headphones, must have misinterpreted the message. Nevertheless, by the following day, my Amazon account was locked, and all my Echo devices were logged out.

Let me be clear: I fully support Amazon taking measures to ensure the safety of their drivers. However, I question why my entire smart home system had to be rendered unusable during their internal investigation. It seems more sensible to impose a temporary delivery restriction or purchasing ban on my account. Submitting video evidence from multiple angles right after my initial call with the executive appeared to have little impact on their decision to disable my account.

The Fallout
This incident has led me to question my relationship with Amazon. After nearly a decade of loyalty, I’ve been given a harsh reminder that a misunderstanding can lead to such drastic measures. It seems more reasonable to handle such issues in a more compartmentalized way, rather than a blanket shutdown of all services.

Due to this experience, I am seriously considering discontinuing my use of Amazon Echo devices and will caution others about this incident. This ordeal has made a case for a more personalized home assistant system, perhaps utilizing Raspberry Pi devices scattered around the house.

The Resolution
Despite promptly submitting video evidence immediately upon learning of the issue, my account remained locked. The timing couldn’t have been worse: the onset of Labor Day weekend was approaching, and I was keen to resolve the issue before the long weekend. However, despite numerous calls and emails, it wasn’t until Friday afternoon that I received confirmation that the investigation had started. I was told to expect a response within two business days, meaning not until Tuesday of the following week at the earliest.

In the end, my account was unlocked on Wednesday, with no follow-up email to inform me of the resolution. This incident stands as a stark reminder of the need for better customer service and a more nuanced approach to incident management.

Through sharing my experience, I hope to encourage Amazon to reform and rethink their approach to handling such situations in the future. It’s essential for customers to feel confident in the security and reliability of their services, especially when those services are integral to the functionality of their homes. It’s time for Amazon to take a more customer-focused approach to problem-solving and conflict resolution.

Update: For those saying I’m okay with this happening to a “real racist” I’m not. If someone bought and paid for a device they should be able to use it at least on their own property/ if it doesn’t hurt anyone else. I’m only pushing this story so that this WONT happen to any one else. Regardless of their race, religion, beliefs, if you paid for it you should OWN it.

Update: I was not truly in the dark for a week. My smart home runs mostly locally and Alexa really is just a polymorphic interface. I was just able to use Siri. Though out of habit I’d sometimes say “alexa” only for her to remind me how stupid I was.



Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Here’s at least part of the problem..,

Let me be clear: I fully support Amazon taking measures to ensure the safety of their drivers

Somehow, some not insignificant portion of the population has played into the narrative that if I say something they A) disagree with or B) even disparaging, rude, or or otherwise not nice, it somehow now relates to their “safety”.

Bullshit. Grow a pair, accept that some people you cross paths with in life don’t like you or are having a bad day, but that’s a far cry from threatening your safety


Pulling my weight
Jul 16, 2018
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That seems ridiculous. If your drivers are being harassed by customers, you simply stop delivering to said customer, or you require them to use an Amazon locker or something.

Amazon wants to get into the health business now. Are they going to stop people's medication if they have a bad interaction with the customer?


Known around here
Sep 17, 2021
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Tennessee USA
Cloud Dependency = Bad .. anyone can decide to shut you down .. your smart home shut down due to a disgruntled Amazon delivery person

Amazon accuses customer of racism & shuts down their smart home - ENOUGH CLOUD JUNK!
Louis Rossmann

I love it when millennials cry in their coffee $12.00 Starbucks Upside Down Caramel/Hazelnut Macchiato Grande about how rough they got it because Amazon made them get up out of their chair and physically turn the light switch on. That is so inhumane........:lol:
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Known around here
Dec 9, 2020
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Havana, Cuba
And you couldn’t pay me enough to have Google or Siri or any other number of “smart devices” talking to me or managing the security of my home.
When I visit my parents, I unplug their Alexa or whatever it is. It's just so strange to have a microphone sitting in the living room listening 24/7.

Especially after the stories about employees listening to random recordings.


Known around here
Dec 9, 2020
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Havana, Cuba
You can watch the amount of traffic an Alexa sends with wireshark. They only send data when the blue light is on.
But what data is it sending when the blue light is on? Is it constantly recording and sending low quality, low bandwidth recordings?

This is the issue. For me, the only safe way to use one of these devices to to unplug it and use it as a paperweight.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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When I visit my parents, I unplug their Alexa or whatever it is. It's just so strange to have a microphone sitting in the living room listening 24/7.

Especially after the stories about employees listening to random recordings.
shhhh .. I'm setting up jobs in Florida to put "Alexas" in the OnlyFans gig workers ...

oh, and btw .. I am selling subscriptions to a new audio service .. let me know if you want to beta test ..


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Pinned by Louis Rossmann

Hey Louis, it's Brandon Jackson, the person who posted the article in the first place. I did quickly want to note that I run most of my devices locally, use raspberry pi's and the like already. When Amazon locked my account I just pivoted to using Siri or sometimes just flipped the switch as my lights have on board memory to know the state they were last in. I'm already on the side of the people ridiculing me which is the funny part. In fact I'm a software engineer myself and I know many people who have made fun of me also probably use software I've touched.

I was really hoping we'd unify. I wrote the article and omitted my "technical ability" because not everyone can do that nor should they have to. I'm also not who's important here so talking about how great my local infrastructure is was kinda useless in my eyes. I wanted to speak up for everyone else who may not have the technical experience needed to manage their home. Honestly the reason I went with Alexa is that I spend 40+ hours a week working on large scale productions systems, I don't want to have to deal with that at home. I already do host a lot of internal services and have issues with Nextcloud updating or this and that and have to fix those every now and then. Since I have multiple people living at my house I don't want the main way they interface to go down and I have to be the one to bring it back up.

Again, I want us to get amazon to change. Consumers shouldn't need a degree in computer science or a bunch of tech certifications to run their home.



Known around here
Sep 17, 2021
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Tennessee USA
Pinned by Louis Rossmann

Hey Louis, it's Brandon Jackson, the person who posted the article in the first place. I did quickly want to note that I run most of my devices locally, use raspberry pi's and the like already. When Amazon locked my account I just pivoted to using Siri or sometimes just flipped the switch as my lights have on board memory to know the state they were last in. I'm already on the side of the people ridiculing me which is the funny part. In fact I'm a software engineer myself and I know many people who have made fun of me also probably use software I've touched.

I was really hoping we'd unify. I wrote the article and omitted my "technical ability" because not everyone can do that nor should they have to. I'm also not who's important here so talking about how great my local infrastructure is was kinda useless in my eyes. I wanted to speak up for everyone else who may not have the technical experience needed to manage their home. Honestly the reason I went with Alexa is that I spend 40+ hours a week working on large scale productions systems, I don't want to have to deal with that at home. I already do host a lot of internal services and have issues with Nextcloud updating or this and that and have to fix those every now and then. Since I have multiple people living at my house I don't want the main way they interface to go down and I have to be the one to bring it back up.

Again, I want us to get amazon to change. Consumers shouldn't need a degree in computer science or a bunch of tech certifications to run their home.

View attachment 165447
Nothing like trying to save face -and attempt to change teams after you get called a big dummy. Since the beginning of time, we have not needed home automation to turn on the light switch or the tv. He tried so hard in this last statement, but reading between the lines, has admitted that he is a failure to his family for duping them to think using Alexa is normal.........


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Nothing like trying to save face -and attempt to change teams after you get called a big dummy. Since the beginning of time, we have not needed home automation to turn on the light switch or the tv. He tried so hard in this last statement, but reading between the lines, has admitted that he is a failure to his family for duping them to think using Alexa is normal.........