Ammo Shortage

I’ve actually always kept a minimum number per caliber, and in normal times it would be hard to save a whole bunch reloading 9mm.

On the hoarding, no doubt that’s occurring, but it’s really not difficult to go through 500-1000 rounds per month. A normal 2 hr practice session for me is 200 rds. Do that 2-3 times p/mo and throw in an IDPA match and whooosh it’s gone.

Certainly for .556 it’s different, I think I could be called a hoarder, let’s leave it at that ;)
Yeah, too many people think that buying a single 50 rnd box, and one trip to the range per year and your good. Pffffttttt.
Simply buying a guitar, does not make you a musician.
Yeah, too many people think that buying a single 50 rnd box, and one trip to the range per year and your good. Pffffttttt.
Simply buying a guitar, does not make you a musician.

That would not even get started!
It takes at least 250 rd/month to stay familiar, a lot more then that to get/stay proficient!
One match will use 1-5,000
I recall a box of 22LR at about $10 for 500....
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Considering the reason everyone bought guns was because of the apocolypse
I never bought a gun because of the apocalypse.

I (used to, until recently) get regular emails from online dealers. I had price points that if they were at or lower than, I would pick up some. For 22LR that price point was 5 cents a round. For 9mm it was 18 cents per round. I can reload 9mm for about 15 cents per round. But that number is based on having all of the bullets, primers, and powder already on hand, and scrounged brass. I have been shooting a lot less 9mm in the last few years so I still have about 23# of powder, 29,000 primers, 9,500 bullets, and a few buckets of raw brass.

With all of that, I have about 32,000 rounds of 22LR in various brands and configurations. I am set for a while. I've got plenty of 556 and 545x39 but I am low on 6.5 Creedmoor. I am partial to the Hornady #81501 but have not tried to buy any since January. I imagine it is hard to find and the price is probably high. Lately I have only really been shooting 22LR and the 6.5 Creedmoor stuff.
Who are the fools who aren’t already adequately prepared?...

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" data-source="post: 476776" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch">
Who are the fools who aren’t already adequately prepared?...

View attachment 68592
Will any of that ammo stop a covid laced zombie without a mask?

Sent from my Pixel 3a XL using Tapatalk
The .308 will lobotomize a CovidZombie hiding behind a cinder-block wall brother. zombie01.gif
The 9th Circuit just overturned the California "high capacity" magazine ban, declaring the ban to be unconstitutional.

Yes. :)

EDIT for link--
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58% increase in POC and women
80% increase in Federal website, direct to consumer

Ammo Shortage Insights
"The is a summary of the 2021 Q1 Earnings Release call with Vista Outdoors. They own the Federal and CCI/Speer ammunition brands. The call gave me some insights on the ammunition situation. "

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The time to have stocked up was during the 2nd yr of Trumps term. Most gun related stuff was as cheap or cheaper than it had been for years. That's about the time manufacturers caught up from the worlds greatest gun salemans term.
that was prime time for shure. Midway was selling IMI 55g. .556 for .24 with steel ammo box, delivered.. .62g. for .32 , and 77g. otm for .54 - yes, I hoarded some back then. IMI is some great shooting brass.
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Kind of got a bad feeling about this. Different from other shortages. Presently I’m out of work due to COVID (Nurse, high risk) and bored out of my mind. Decided to keep me busy by reloading ammo. [had a large supply of primers, bullets] When I do something, I take to the Max. Have loaded over 10,000 round, single stage. Taken about 2 months. Have run out of brass, so decided to make a run to some of the local target areas. EVERYTHING was picked clean, but I did make this discovery. No, I left it there, If anybody is in Reno, drive up Pevine Rd, it’s waiting for you.

Kind of got a bad feeling about this. Different from other shortages. Presently I’m out of work due to COVID (Nurse, high risk) and bored out of my mind. Decided to keep me busy by reloading ammo. [had a large supply of primers, bullets] When I do something, I take to the Max. Have loaded over 10,000 round, single stage. Taken about 2 months. Have run out of brass, so decided to make a run to some of the local target areas. EVERYTHING was picked clean, but I did make this discovery. No, I left it there, If anybody is in Reno, drive up Pevine Rd, it’s waiting for you.

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Wow, with a single stage! The last pic is a multi-stage