Ammo Shortage

I've run out of 9mm bullets. Had an order of 1,000 coming. They cancelled and refunded it. Right now, after a couple of hours searching the internet, there are NO 9MM bullets anywhere! Guess I'm done with reloading 9mm for now.
I use the polymags in .22 caliber. Nice expansion and good penetration for a pellet gun. I'll have to try the Hornet and see how they group. Pellet guns seem to be pretty selective.

So cool to see this very little kid handle this rifle. Just the first 3 minutes.

That little girl has lots of videos on yuutoob, damn she's good...
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ammo shortage, primer shortage, bullets are overpriced, you can still get powder, I've cut out my range trips, to just keeping zero trips, and scavenging 308 and 556 cases.:nervous:
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Yeah and its going to get worse Im afraid.
Regardless of who wins in Nov (we should have a decision by January sometime?) its going to continue to get uglier out there as the BLM Thugs and fakes along with DNC paid rioters continue to trash cities and test their wings in the suburbs.

If you arent well stocked, I would sriously hit Gunbroker and bid on some ammo now, its just going to go up.
LOL Why, is everyone planning on shooting him and just have bad aim?
I hope you were just trying to be funny and the comment is not because you are clueless. Biden has made it very plain that he is against the 2A and firearms in general. He has stated he likes Beto's position and will make him some type of gun confiscation czar. The Dem platform states gun restrictions are a top priority. Many on the left have stated that restrictions on ammo and huge tax on ammo will be enacted.
I'm trying to figure out where Creepy Joe hides that second mouth. Two months ago he was all for gun confiscation and heavy restrictions, and that's in his "platform" I think. Now he says he will protect the 2nd Amendment. Talking out of both the front and back of his head, or is that his head and his a$$?
I'm trying to figure out where Creepy Joe hides that second mouth. Two months ago he was all for gun confiscation and heavy restrictions, and that's in his "platform" I think. Now he says he will protect the 2nd Amendment. Talking out of both the front and back of his head, or is that his head and his a$$?
But his version of the 2nd, is vastly different than what was intended.

Let us know how that works for you Joe, when the rioters are at your door.
Wow... I've got a few thousand rounds of S&B 9mm (both FMJ and JHP) and occasionally look for deals on AmmoSeek. I had a ton more but in early to mid March I decided to go shooting with a friend. I looked at ammo prices at the end of February and they were less than .25 per FMJ round and around .40 for JHP so I figured I'd replace the rounds we used later...

Historically I had paid on average .23 for FMJ and .38 for JHP... and around .20 for the cheap lead remans.

I just looked, S&B FMJ is $1.10 per ROUND and the cheapest "other" 9MM is .60 plus shipping!

I've been buying ammo since the late 70s and have gone through a number of these "panic" periods where people stock up on ammo and drive the prices up, but this is ridiculous!
I'm trying to figure out where Creepy Joe hides that second mouth. Two months ago he was all for gun confiscation and heavy restrictions, and that's in his "platform" I think. Now he says he will protect the 2nd Amendment. Talking out of both the front and back of his head, or is that his head and his a$$?
He has always said he was pro 2A. But his actions and other words speak louder. Any of these idiots can say "I'm pro 2a, but we need common sense gun control". Well with all of the laws on the books that criminals do not follow, all of the same laws that DAs don't prosecute or plea bargain down to something trivial, and judges that let criminals walk for firearm related crime, why have even more laws that only the millions of law-abiding gun owners will be the only ones that follow them? ENFORCE THE LAWS WE ALREADY HAVE.

As @looney2ns stated, Joe's version of the 2A is very different than what is written, what has been upheld by the Supremes, and what a gun owner's believes is the 2A.