Ammo Shortage


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
The Swamp
Hope you got some. Its looking like Q2 next year before we see any at reasonable prices..

Surging Gun Sales Triggers Second Ammo Shortage Of This Year

If you need it, you can still get some on Gunbroker, for 2X-3X what it cost 6 months ago...
PMC 124 gr is about the best value I see right now, I shot a lot of it at the Sig Academy and never had an issue with it.
PMC Bronze 9mm Luger, 124gr FMJ, 1000 ROUNDS - Pistol Ammunition at : 876136184
There are over 2.4 million NEW gun owners in the USA in the last 6 months. At my local gun range, it is a 3 month wait for the texas carry class. My wife (75 YO) and myself (71 YO) shoot 2 to 3 times a week, 250+ rounds. I can get most of my 9mm Winchester white box ammo at my local academy sporting goods, but can only buy three boxes, and you must be there the day the ammo is delivered when the store opens. Price is about $0.22 / round. Academy is not price gouging.

No 38 special or 380 acp, buckshot , slugs.
Thats fantastic!, about where it was before. Ive always bought Lawman 147gr at .20 - .22 p/rd by the case.
Wow, had not been paying attention to this. After reading this thread it occurred to me that I have not gotten the usual emails from ammo distributors that I get a few times a week. Like maybe for several weeks. Just checked those sellers and they all have very little stock.
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Also, with all of the MSM stating Biden is a shoe-in will just make matters worse since everyone will be trying to bulk up before the election.
Also, with all of the MSM stating Biden is a shoe-in will just make matters worse since everyone will be trying to bulk up before the election.
Remember the ARROGANCE of Hillary appearing on SNL......

I am glad I bought a thousand rounds of 9mm a few months ago.... I was waiting for 5.56..... I might have a long wait now...
If Biden and Kamala win... gonna not be a good day for the 2A....

Just look at her eyeing which ones she wants to ban...".. hmmm that bolt action sniper rifle.. no one needs one of those... "

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Try finding 380 ammo..Good Luck....
I guess I will have to use my AK and SK...It is just a bit harder to conceal...;)...(got a lot of ammo left for them)
In times of no real war being pursued, you wouldn't think that the manufacturers would be producing at near capacity, and could keep up with domestic demand pretty easily.
I've hear lately of factories running 3 shifts to keep up. There must be a lot of big time hording going on, or something else is up.
It's not like ammo is cheap, even in normal times. as for the price gougers, they will be outed..
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4 vendors I watch and buy most of my stuff from.

TargetSports USA
Lucky Gunner
Ammunition Depot
The times are like the Obama era when he was trying to rein in gun sales. There was a mad rush on ammo. I worked for the parent company that is the largest US ammo manufacturer, and could not get 1 round. We were told that we could not buy through the company until the retail outlets were stocked, factories going 24/7. Remember to store your ammo correctly for long term. I use the vacuum sealed storage bags (foodsaver) to store my ammo, especially in high humidity climates. Stock up when the prices drop.
If you're buying now, shame on you! We should be racking and stacking the ammo fort all the time, not in times of demand. I bought 1000 62g green tips back in February for 289 shipped. Same thing now is 669 plus shipping. Crazy. I have been getting 1000 .22LR subsonics a month for no price increase up to about last month, now .22LR subsonics are way up and hard to find.
Yep, but I get a little queasy when I dip under 5000 rounds per caliber ..
In times of no real war being pursued, you wouldn't think that the manufacturers would be producing at near capacity, and could keep up with domestic demand pretty easily.
I've hear lately of factories running 3 shifts to keep up. There must be a lot of big time hording going on, or something else is up.
It's not like ammo is cheap, even in normal times. as for the price gougers, they will be outed..

Considering the reason everyone bought guns was because of the apocolypse, it's fairly safe to say people are hoarding. The ones that are laughing atm are theose who home load or chose unusual calibres for which demand is obviously going to be much less.
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I’ve actually always kept a minimum number per caliber, and in normal times it would be hard to save a whole bunch reloading 9mm.

On the hoarding, no doubt that’s occurring, but it’s really not difficult to go through 500-1000 rounds per month. A normal 2 hr practice session for me is 200 rds. Do that 2-3 times p/mo and throw in an IDPA match and whooosh it’s gone.

Certainly for .556 it’s different, I think I could be called a hoarder, let’s leave it at that ;)