So after getting the ZWave/USB dongle more problems. I bought the Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5. It got here late yesterday afternoon. I installed ZWave JS on the HA VM and it saw the dongle right away. Then things went south.
When I tried pairing, I got no results. So, read the instructions. I read the manual from Aeotec and it says to just use the pairing feature of the software you're using, but it also says it can pair when unplugged as well. When unplugged just press the "action" button on the front and the blue LED will come on to indicate it's in pairing mode. Pressed the button and no LED at all, dead display, which actually mimics the result in HA.
Next step was to try a hard reset of the dongle by holding the reset button for 20 seconds. I tried 20, 30, then 40 seconds. The red LED is supposed to flash rapidly to indicate successful reset. Again, dead display and no changes in getting to discovery mode.
I'm waiting for an answer from Aeotec. I've had good support from them, friendly and informative, but I didn't open the ticket until about 2200 last night so I'm stuck waiting for Monday for now.
To say Home Assistant has a steep learning curve is being generous. I've got three books on the way, two for yaml and another for Linux. I feel like I've got a blindfold on and am trying to find a needle in a haystack.