I'm already bald, literally as well as figuratively 

So after getting the ZWave/USB dongle more problems. I bought the Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5.
When I tried pairing, I got no results. So, read the instructions. I read the manual from Aeotec and it says to just use the pairing feature of the software you're using, but it also says it can pair when unplugged as well. When unplugged just press the "action" button on the front and the blue LED will come on to indicate it's in pairing mode. Pressed the button and no LED at all, dead display, which actually mimics the result in HA.
Hi, @sebastiantombs I have the addictions, HomeAutomation(plus Beer, Tequila, Whiskey, and Pot), started with x10 more than 20 years ago ..., Wink, Smarthings, HA, currently with Hubitat+Sharptools(Dasboard), I prefer Zwave+ Devices, Zigbee never work well with my systems.I'm already bald, literally as well as figuratively![]()
I think I'm going to give Home Assistant a try. I have a decent intel Nuc box running Home Seer, so I'd like to add HA to it. Never tried VM before. There are four different options for installing the VM: VirtualBox, KVM, Vmware and Hyper-V.
Any one have thoughts on which one I should try?
I keep waffling between a super SFF like a NUC and the Pi. If I do try a Pi If it doesn't work out I'll repurpose it to Pfsense or something else. I haven't fooled with Linux since the 1990's so I want to set up a dual boot on a spare machine and install it there to make sure I can navigate and manipulate it to get comfortable before I decide on a Pi or a NUC.