Great video on another FedEx fail here, this parcel ended up going to 24 different countries going around the world 2.5 times before reaching the right destination!
This guy's channel in general is interesting for exposing issues with shipping companies. It originally blew up because he shipped some Apple Airtags to strange locations such as North Korea to track and see what happened. He also did a good tour of a DHL sorting centre to see how it works after they invited him after seeing his original tracking vids. They're a good watch.
Funny how that outlook can be swapped 180 depending on geography.
In this rural part of NW Alabama, FedEx can't find their own butts with both hands.
UPS always on time.
FedEx can't abide by their own web-based delivery instructions by member customers and their drivers (more than one) can't read.
Forget that my online instructions that say "Front Door", look at the sign posted where they left the last 2 of 3 deliveries incorrectly by the BACK door, fully exposed to rain: