BI Crashes runs..

JT Blue Iris

Getting the hang of it
Oct 6, 2017
Reaction score
I have 2 BI systems both looking at the same cameras, system 1 is rock solid and runs for months on end, system 2 is considerably more finicky, where BI crashes after a short period of time. The period of time seemingly matters which version of BI I am running. (as well as other settings like HW acceleration) Both systems are configured similarly, both are looking at 13 cameras, about half are 4MP and half are 8MP.

Here is my set up:

~6 HIK DS-2042WD
~6 HIK DS-2085WD
1 Vivotek box camera 1280x800
cameras throttled to 15 FPS

System 1:

I7-7700K, Asus Z170-WS, 16GB ram, win 10 1803 build 17134.472
Nvidia GTS450 driving two 30 inch Dell monitors at 2560 x 1600 landscape, 388.13 driver
recording direct to disc, only upon motion
BI version does not seem to matter, just runs
hardware acceleration set to CUDA
CPU usage runs about 50-75%
Runs OK, at least since release.

System 2:

I7-8700K, Asrock , 8GB ram, win 10 1803 build 17134.472 (I tried upping it to 16 GB with same result)
Nvidia GTS450 driving one 30 inch Dell monitor at 2560 x 1600 portrait, 388.13 driver
recording direct to disc, continuously.
BI version will crash within one day, goes 5-6 days.
hardware acceleration set to NO, if I select CUDA or Intel seems to make the System crash faster.
CPU usage runs about 50-75%

1) Both systems consume about 5.8 GB of RAM normally, system 2 when it had 16 GB of RAM in it would go up to 13 GB used before it would crash. (Like there was a runaway memory leak). This problem seems to go away when running, but I'm not always staring at it right before it crashes either..

Things I have tried:
swapped hard disks in both system and therefore Windows loads, problems stayed in system 2.
Swapped memory.
Swapped graphics cards,Tried different Nvidia board, on board Intel graphics adapter, still crashes
Replaced power supply
Made system 1 record continuously and system 2 only upon motion, same result.
Lots of other little things I have forgotten about over the last few weeks..

Currently I'm not under support with BI, the response time I received when I was under support didn't make me want to run out and purchase it..

Sorry for the long-winded post,Anybody have any ideas?

JT Blue Iris

Getting the hang of it
Oct 6, 2017
Reaction score
Also forgot to mention, both systems have BI installed on C: and recordings being sent to three large drives dedicated for storage. The database is on C:

JT Blue Iris

Getting the hang of it
Oct 6, 2017
Reaction score
Thanks for the response StevenP, but I have to walk back a few things I said above.
It looks like it's not a difference in the software version that's causing the problem, but the fact that system 2 is recording continuously (which is the one I'm having a problem with) that's causing the problem. If I change it to record on motion only seems like (at least for a couple of days) that the problem goes away. What strange is system 1 doesn't seem to care if it's continuous or on motion recording. So it's something unique to system 2. As far as I can tell both systems Clips and Recording are set the same, direct to disc, only 95% of the drive capacity allocated to storage in new/stored/Aux 1, Using BVR file format.
I should probably start a new thread on this.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Thanks for the response StevenP, but I have to walk back a few things I said above.
It looks like it's not a difference in the software version that's causing the problem, but the fact that system 2 is recording continuously (which is the one I'm having a problem with) that's causing the problem. If I change it to record on motion only seems like (at least for a couple of days) that the problem goes away. What strange is system 1 doesn't seem to care if it's continuous or on motion recording. So it's something unique to system 2. As far as I can tell both systems Clips and Recording are set the same, direct to disc, only 95% of the drive capacity allocated to storage in new/stored/Aux 1, Using BVR file format.
I should probably start a new thread on this.
Are the OS and recordings on the same drive? if so what type of drive?

JT Blue Iris

Getting the hang of it
Oct 6, 2017
Reaction score
Thanks for your help Fenderman,
no, C: has the OS, BI and database on it, clip recording is done on 3, 8TB drives, all identical Seagate. I am restricting the allocation size to 95% of drives capacity as reported in Windows Explorer.


IPCT Contributor
Feb 15, 2018
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Houston Tx
On the three 8tb disks, are you using new folder being moved to the stored folder? Also on average how big are your files ?
On my BI system I was noticing that the movement and deletion of the files seem to occur at the same time, pushing up the CPU load.
I would recommend on continuous recording to not used the stored folder. Distribute the 12 cameras over the 3 drives, so all that happens is the files get deleted, not moved.
I also keep my file size small, only recording 1 hour to a camera file.

JT Blue Iris

Getting the hang of it
Oct 6, 2017
Reaction score
Southern Yankee,

I do have the files cascading:

New > move to Stored
stored > move to Aux 1
Aux 1 > Delete

I have cameras being limited to eight hours of video which translates to:
eight mega pixel cameras = roughly 8 MB files
four megapixel cameras = roughly 4 MB files

I can try your one folder to a camera scenario


IPCT Contributor
Feb 15, 2018
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Houston Tx
I think your sizes are wrong. I think more like 8 Gigabyte per file depending on compression type.
I would cut record time to 1 hour. Or put 4 cameras per drive, so there is no movement, saves cpu time and disk wear.
Not sure if this will fix crash problem.

JT Blue Iris

Getting the hang of it
Oct 6, 2017
Reaction score
Yes sorry 8GB & 4GB
I will try limiting the 8MP cameras to 1 hour and the 4MP cameras to 2 hours, keeping files ~1GB.
I will also stop the cascading between drives.
If I export the current setting to a.reg file, will it save this kind of size/drive settings?
It might take a few tries, and it would be nice to go back..

JT Blue Iris

Getting the hang of it
Oct 6, 2017
Reaction score
Southern Yankee, I think you may have hit on it, all I did was assign four cameras to each of three drives (no cascading files from one drive to the next) and had BI delete from each folder as drive fills and it has been running for a couple of days now with no issues. It's not totally conclusive but normally it would be having problems by now. Unless I come back and post here you can assume this was the problem.
Thanks for all the help!


IPCT Contributor
Feb 15, 2018
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Houston Tx
One heads up do not allocate 100% of each disk to bi. I allocate about 95% of the disk. The unallocated spaces need to be way more than one set of camera files. If you have 4 cameras at 8 gb per file than make sure you have leave 32 gb unallocated. I would leave at least 60 gb unallocated.