BI No Longer Connects

David Morcos

Young grasshopper
Feb 26, 2017
I have been using BI for 6 years. Have had it installed on my phones for remote viewing on both iphones & Android.
A few day ago I purchased a new phone, migrated settings and apps to new phone. When I ran BI from the new Android phone it worked flawless, but now BI on the original phone stopped connecting (which is fine) so I went and uninstalled the software from original.
Today BI is not connecting with the new phone. I uninstalled the app and re-installed with no luck.
Even when I am at home using wireless or just cell data, I get the "Unable to reach server"
I even created a new user and tried to log on to that without any luck.
I also have not had any power outages, or router resets in months. Nothing on my PC setup has changed.
Any help would be appreciated.
The new app require BI versions newer than 5.2.x.x I believe. What version of BI are you using?
What version of BI and What verison of the BI app ?
Are you using a VPN ? If so does it connect.
from your Phone can you ping the home router when out and about ?
Will the UI3 work from the phone ?
Thanks so much for both replies.

BI is version 4
BI app is 3.0.25
All worked well for years until the phone swap, why all of a sudden is what baffles me.
I have not pinged home router from phone, but again nothing changed on original phone when it stopped.
Not sure what you mean by UI3

thanks again
The latest Android update 3.0.25 seems to have killed the ability to connect to the server - tried all sorts of configurations. Has no issues connecting via UI3. Wife still has 3.0.24 on her phone and it connects immediately. Have sent emails to the developer with bug reports, but they seem pretty useless at replying from reviews of others. Best bet is to try and reload 3.0.24.

I retract my last statement about them being useless at replying - literally received an email from BI Support to say "There is a fix coming for this from Android. Please standby for that update"

Fingers crossed!!
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UI3 is the built-in web GUI for Blue Iris. Do yourself a favor, update Blue Iris to at least the latest stable version. Set up a VPN and do not use port forwarding. This is not the kind of VPN for hiding your surfing, but one to allow inbound connections that are secure.

As far as the web app no longer working with old versions of BI, how many apps and devices don't work with Win10? How long do you think BI should support older versions when the newer versions have been substantially re-written and changed to take advantage of many enhancements that are just not compatible with older versions?

VPN Information Thread
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Sebastian, Are you suggesting I go to ver. 5 because that seems to be the only upgrade available.

Also, setting a VPN might be more than I would know to do unless there was a simple guide out there.

Ver. 4 and the phone app was so easy to setup and use in every way, that is why I use Bi, besides that I believe that there is nothing out there that comes close to what Bi has to offer.

Thanks again so much for your help.
Sebastian, Are you suggesting I go to ver. 5 because that seems to be the only upgrade available.

Also, setting a VPN might be more than I would know to do unless there was a simple guide out there.

Ver. 4 and the phone app was so easy to setup and use in every way, that is why I use Bi, besides that I believe that there is nothing out there that comes close to what Bi has to offer.

Thanks again so much for your help.
You should upgrade to 5 regardless, tons of new features.
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If you can point and click you can install a VPN in most cases. An Asus router makes it very simple.

Updating BI is your choice. The advantages of the latest versions make the few bucks it costs a very good investment.
I have no problem upgrading to ver 5 if for no other reason than supporting great software package.

I also reviewed the new ($9.99) BI app on google play (via pc) and it seems that the app is at least the ones I read for April of this year is plagued by negative reviews from people with the same problem I am having of no connection.

Very concerned now.
The negative reviews are from operator error.

The inability to download prior app versions on the Google Play Store is not a Blue Iris issue - it is a Google Play Store issue. It is the same with any app.

I have auto update turned off and I have an app where I download my existing app APKs before I update so in the event the update is bad, I can reinstall my previous version. Would be nice if Google allowed that natively, but they do not. But an app exists for that.

Many people here, including myself, have purchased the app and it works just fine.

Or use UI3 that is part of the BI program.
I checked, but they don't have any apk's for BI unfortunately. That is usually the easiest method to get older versions of Android apps.
I just checked google play store on my phone for app updates and there was one for BI.

Updated the app and all is working as it should now. Thanks to all that took time to help.
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