bidens incredible transition to electric cars


Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
Reaction score
USA, Oregon
Another agenda driven media conclusion based on tortured raw data. For starters, now that the headline has been widely repeated, the number has been corrected to 40%. Similar to the nice-sounding government employment and economic numbers that get corrected after the wrong data is spread.
"The percentage of American EV owners who say they are likely to switch back to a combustion engine vehicle has been corrected to reflect updated information provided by McKinsey & Co. An earlier version of this story contained an outdated percentage."
Then, the headline "46 Percent Of American EV Owners Want To Go Back To ICE" is very different from the claimed answer that ".... 46 percent of U.S. respondents who currently own an electric vehicle are likely to buy an ICE-powered vehicle as their next car purchase." This is NOT a statement that they want to replace the EV with an ICE vehicle, unless the respondent owns only a single vehicle. A multiple car owner could love his EV, but not want 2 of them, but still be tagged as wanting to "go back" to ICE.

The linked original article is behind a paywall, so it's impossible to see how far it has been spun without paying.

I am not anti-EV. I am anti-propaganda, even if it supports my position.