For a long time I have been planning to set up a full-color cam to watch over the street to cover the same general area as my previously chronicled Mailbox hide.
The cans in the mailbox are set to work as ersatz LPRs but of course that means they are effectively blind to everything else at night. I wanted a cam to see the late night pedestrians as well.
To this end…. back when I ran the pipe for the mailbox hide, I also ran a pipe to the Northeast corner of the property, near the street. I already had a bird feeder that looks like a little house, complete with windows and I’ve finally gotten around to starting the build. In the two years delay, the bird feeder has been in use and has rusted a bit but that’s okay. If the setup works out, I can repair that bit if needed. I DO intend to continue to put at least a small amount of seed in the thing.
These pics are the beginning….

EDIT: I see that I didn’t snap a picture one of the steps… in the middle of this sequence after removing the lock bar at the top of the house, I had to drill the cap portion of the post socket ; just big enough for the RJ45 but not TOO big, or the conduit would go through it.
The cans in the mailbox are set to work as ersatz LPRs but of course that means they are effectively blind to everything else at night. I wanted a cam to see the late night pedestrians as well.
To this end…. back when I ran the pipe for the mailbox hide, I also ran a pipe to the Northeast corner of the property, near the street. I already had a bird feeder that looks like a little house, complete with windows and I’ve finally gotten around to starting the build. In the two years delay, the bird feeder has been in use and has rusted a bit but that’s okay. If the setup works out, I can repair that bit if needed. I DO intend to continue to put at least a small amount of seed in the thing.
These pics are the beginning….

EDIT: I see that I didn’t snap a picture one of the steps… in the middle of this sequence after removing the lock bar at the top of the house, I had to drill the cap portion of the post socket ; just big enough for the RJ45 but not TOO big, or the conduit would go through it.
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