Blue Iris 2 cam...1 wont record


Jan 6, 2015
I have a set up on my new Blue Iris controlled cam detects motion and records clips as it should....the second wont record and show clips on the left clip list. It worked fine recording on a previous program... Im thinking I didnt configure something correctly??

Any ideas would be appreciated

@wildape, make sure you enabled motion detection and in the motion tab, uncheck object detect reject...also in the record tab make sure it set to record when triggered.
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@wildape I did everything imaginable,...the solution I found was to create a hot spot and use the triangle selector to highlight the entire area the camera triggers properly and just as the other does. No idea why it doesn't trigger normally like it used to.
That is not the proper will be over sensitive..please post a screen shot of your motion and record tabs...
its a duel monitor set up and posts a tiny version of both screens, my screen caps aren't that great...i assure you ive tried any possible thing you can think of and thats the only thing that worked,....this includes unchecking object detect/reject,..playing with sensitivity controls,... ensuring all motion settings were correct and matched the cam that was working,...uninstalling re installing software,... everything.
@wildape I can assure you that there is something set me...
Another thing you can try is just add a new camera (duplicate of the one thats not working), so now you have two streams coming from the same camera, test it..

Are you using color only as a detection method?

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No,..i took this pic with my cell...


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what about the record tab?
Is the schedule on profile one when this is happening?

Another thing you can do is export the settings for the working cam..import it, change the name (or it wont let u save) and change the ip and login credentials to reflect the non working cam.
Also keep in mind the Mask area is supposed to cover areas you do not want to detect in -- if you had it backwards and masked over all the important stuff then that might explain why you had to add a hot spot to get recordings created.
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Reactions: fenderman
I didnt enable mask /hotspot until the last attempt. Could troubleshoot the working cam that way,...ill play with it later. Thanks for the input Fenderman