FWIW 2019 (now) minus 2016 (then) equals three (3).Well since I started this thread four years ago.....
FWIW 2019 (now) minus 2016 (then) equals three (3).Well since I started this thread four years ago.....
Tony! You've been studying! View attachment 38397
Cheapskate...that's all I hear. You were obviuosly aware of the changes as you posted back in 2016. Instead of being grateful you bitch. UPDATES ARE STILL FREE. STOP BITCHING. The program itself tells you support is expired. Too bad for the low IQ. As usual, the leeches of society are complaining. Switch to another VMS already and let us know how that works out.I got to say LMFAO. I guess thats why its been a couple years since even looking at this site... Sorry for my math of 4 years, I went back and looked at when I registered, not started thread, omg sorry. To cheap to pay, I have paid twice, was expecting to pay again on version 5 and still will. Did anyone read my comments? Compare this, you rent something to someone then just change the lock without informing that someone. The upgrade button is disabled without notice and its not for a new version or upgrade to V5, can you understand that, is it simple enough for you yet? Have a great day people
I notice now that my Check for Updates button is grayed out. So...are the minor updates still free??
I wonder if that means that the next version will be 5. And the return of the "Check For Updates" button is solely to let people know about it.When you upgrade your Blue Iris installation to version your "Check For Updates" button shall return.