Blue Iris New Version Does Not Have Framerate Limiting Control-Major Issue w Foscams

I have a problem with BI causing a change in my Foscam Video settings. WHen BI starts up or I make a change to the settings in the BI for the camera it cause a change in my camera settings. I set the camera to stream a Frame rate of 10 then start BI which causes the camera to reset it to 25. This is a problem. Does anyone know how to fix it?
blue iris cannot adjust the cameras frame rates...but you can try this Issues on fps Setup
Thanks. I tried it and BI can not log in on another setting. I am sending the camera back. IT was a FI9821. So warning to anyone who may buy it :-)
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yup I have 5 old foscams yet that are doing exactly this. If I have to restart BI for any reason those cams all reset to there highest framerate. After I change them all back they remain at 15 fps untill I start BI again. So the fix is to run BI always in the background and to never restart it. As well as a great power back up solution to keep the PC running during power outages. :) Problem solved or get some newer decent cams !!
Perhaps you could add those cameras using a jpeg snapshot URL instead of mjpeg, and control their frame rates that way.