Not sure if this is the best place to post support issues, but I just loaded UI3 on my iPhone X to test it out on mobile.
After trying to maximise the video something I must have tapped in the bottom right hand corner has resulted in a continuous loop of toast errors, even if I refresh the browser.
and paste the result here. It might clue me in about what is wrong to cause the error.'{
"result": "success",
"session": "67a004dd34b3402617d20d866019198f",
"data": [
"optionDisplay": "Gate Cam",
"optionValue": "GateCam",
"active": true,
"color": 9068350,
"admin": true,
"ptz": true,
"audio": true,
"newalerts": 0,
"lastalert": 2186834,
"alertutc": 1642256304,
"webcast": true,
"isEnabled": true,
"hidden": false,
"isOnline": true,
"tempfull": false,
"type": 4,
"profile": 1,
"lock": 0,
"pause": 0,
"isPaused": false,
"isRecording": true,
"isManRec": false,
"ManRecElapsed": 0,
"ManRecLimit": 0,
"isYellow": false,
"isMotion": false,
"isTriggered": false,
"isAlerting": false,
"isNoSignal": false,
"nAlerts": 27,
"nTriggers": 27,
"nClips": 79,
"nNoSignal": 8,
"error": "",
"FPS": 20.57,
"BPS": 2007729,
"width": 3840,
"height": 2160
. You have only one camera
All Cameras group has webcasting disabled?
Ok, I will try to explain it another way.I do not understand what the problem is.
Ok, I will try to explain it another way.
The playback controls of the clips are mouse over as well as the close button. On touch devices these settings aren’t visible or only when I click once. But when I click I once the clip pauses.
It would be cool if there is an touch device option where all mouse over controls are fixed. For me it’s ok, when the video size is getting smaller.
I hope this makes it more clear.
Anyway, TV browsers are awful about not getting updated, so they have all kinds of unexpected problems. If you already own the BI android app, that may work better, but again there may be unexpected issues due to running an ancient version of Android.
Makes little to no difference if the stream is any setting