Blue Iris Upgrade Hell Rant


Young grasshopper
Feb 12, 2016
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After months of stable running, my dedicated i9 box went from ~50% cpu usage to alternating between 50% and 90% after a Windows update. While at 90% CPU recordings are missing audio, and frames. Figured no problem, exported the configuration file and went back to a cloned drive backup. Blue Iris decided to lock me out and went into evaluation mode with blue text overlays everywhere.

Decided to just pay the $37.83 USD for ability to upgrade my backup clone disk. Upgraded it and now Blue Iris can't find recordings, and one camera's window is out of the main window and there is no open window on desktop in the pop up menu to uncheck. Ok I'll try to update the blue iris software on first disk that got the problematic windows update, nope Blue Iris won't use my serial number I just paid for, all the while saying it has already been added to my account.

Went to rant on Blue Iris message board and couldn’t make an account. Couldn’t recover old account from email address.

Am a long time user of Blue Iris, but my time is valuable and this implementation of copy protection is unacceptable.

Old Timer

Known around here
Jul 20, 2018
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I'm ok
Have you tried an email to support?

If it's taking too much of your time, you might come out ahead by buying BI again, I had to do that at a customers site. Later when I had time,
I pulled my head out and fixed the problem with the original key.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Am a long time user of Blue Iris, but my time is valuable and this implementation of copy protection is unacceptable.
Great. Find an alternative and let us know what you have chosen - we will soon find out how valuable your time really is. For the record, I have NEVER had a windows update disable a license. You are now trying to use the same license on two different pc's. That is not permitted. This is 100 percent user error.
Start with a clean install of windows using the MS media creation tool.


Young grasshopper
Feb 12, 2016
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So you're supposed to deactivate your license before changing just one thing in your PC? The thing most likely to fail in your PC is the HD/SSD. When that happens how are you going to deactivate the license?


Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
Simply email Blue Iris support if the worst case, a crashed boot drive, happens. They'll take care of the problem with the license under those circumstances.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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So you're supposed to deactivate your license before changing just one thing in your PC? The thing most likely to fail in your PC is the HD/SSD. When that happens how are you going to deactivate the license?
Nope, if you do it once or twice it will not trigger any problem. There is more to the story.


Known around here
May 14, 2019
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I will say I have encountered issues with their licencing server. Sometimes it just doesn't work properly and then it just works again after 12 hours or so

Last time I re-installed my system, I did it at 8am just incase I had issues, so they could respond during the day

Windows Updates are just the reason I run Windows Server, no big mess of feature updates


Getting the hang of it
Jan 2, 2021
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Why did you upgrade windows? I have not upgrade windows in over a year. Upgrading windows will cause problems. I only upgrade bi to a stable version.
I have seen this comment a bunch of times....

Can you clarify what version of windows you run and how you STOP updates?c I think I would be FIN with no updates.

I havent even taken the gamble up upgrading BI from, because "if it works dont fix it".

Do you run the security updates at all?

How can you prevent the auto updates from taking over after the pause period?

As it is, I "pause" them for as long as I can, simply because it seems that windows is "ALWAYS" updating which "USUALLY " causes some issue that needs manual intervention.

I am SO frustrated with constant windows updates....both on my multiple personal systems and the many systems I use at work. Seems like I am ALWAYS fixing soemthing that a damned MS windows update broke!

I have been a windows fan for decades.....editing video on windows back before it was "ok" because I HATED Apple crap. But I am so pissed lately with constant breakage and what not (on all my systems, not just my BI system). My BI is running on an older windows box and now its saying how W11 cant run on it etc.....I know that W10 will be supported for a while longer but I am ready to jump ship and go....drum roll....LINUX. But after reading on this forum that BI doesnt have a version for Linux I guess that idea was a dumb one. LOL

My BI system is an AMD Phenom II x6 on an MSI 760-GM P23 FX MOBO and it runs plenty good for least with just 3 cams running...but at some point I will have to rebuild.....

So if you have a secret way to halt windows constant updates, I would love to know how.

I know I sued to be able to do that with Pro 64 bit, I have that on my 4k video edit machine.....but even that now requires updates......

I wish Microsoft would take a freaking break with updates already.


Known around here
Feb 4, 2020
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Minnesota USA
After months of stable running, my dedicated i9 box went from ~50% cpu usage to alternating between 50% and 90% after a Windows update. While at 90% CPU recordings are missing audio, and frames.

Figured no problem, exported the configuration file and went back to a cloned drive backup. Blue Iris decided to lock me out and went into evaluation mode with blue text overlays everywhere.
It was at this point that I've begun to look at update history and check for any intel chipset or graphics driver updates, And look for a way to roll back Windows updates.
If you create a drive " image", rather than a clone, you'll keep the same Hardware ID, & reuse the drive and it wont flag the License when you rewrite the last known previous good image back to the drive.

Screenshot 2022-03-10 204110.png


Getting the hang of it
Jan 2, 2021
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It is simple to stop the Windows updates. In fact, there are thousands of articles if one googles "how to stop windows updates"


Appreciate the link.

I have seen many sites like this , referenced on this and other sites.

I already "limit" them by the first method....pausing them.

The group policy to STOP them is a great way to go, but you have to have Pro....I am running HOME 64 bit on my BI a non starter. Though I may look at this for my video edit system which is PRO 64 bit.....thanks for that reminder! Looks to be a fairly safe thing to try

I have seen the registry approach before....and it appears it should work on "all" versions (home and pro)......but while I have done registry edist before as a layman through the last couple decades, every time I do it scares the POOP out of me. LOL

"Create a backup/clone "--- agreed...and that is what I was doing a couple months back using Macrium Reflect, which worked before for me on this same system.....but for some reason this time the PC freaked out (I posted the errors in another thread i started) this day I haven't been able to figure it out and so right now my path has been complete procrastination. LOL

I think instead of spending hours to try and tweak this 10 year old PC, I might be better off just building a newer/faster/better box with Windows Pro and W11 which is coming whether I like it or not.

Or I might go "cheap" and try the registry and the cry over breaking my system since the constant Windows updates REALLY piss me off......LOL....cause the last time I tried Macrium all hell broke loose...LOL


Getting the hang of it
Jan 2, 2021
Reaction score
It was at this point that I've begun to look at update history and check for any intel chipset or graphics driver updates, And look for a way to roll back Windows updates.
If you create a drive " image", rather than a clone, you'll keep the same Hardware ID, & reuse the drive and it wont flag the License when you rewrite the last known previous good image back to the drive.

View attachment 121687
I have tried rolling windows updates back (on non BI boxes) and I always seem to have teh luck where it eitehr stays broke or it gets WORSE. It has been a long time since I tried rolling back anything.....PTSD from those times...LOL

Is there a patron saint of PCs I can pray to?


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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Just keep in mind, many come here with Win11 and BI not playing well together. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't.

But if you do nothing else on the computer than BI, no reason to update off Win10 until BI announces an update that is fully supported with Win11.

You keep a good firewall going, virus protection up-to-date and you will be fine. It's running an older version of Windows and using it to search the net and email and what not that can introduce a bad character. Keep the box locked down and all is good.


Known around here
Feb 4, 2020
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Minnesota USA
When my box was devoid of the internet, it never nagged me about scheduling a restart for an update. But of course everybody wants to get images to their phone or something.
The Condo is gonna be lost as hell when I walk away from 26 camera's and a BI system.
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IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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When my box was devoid of the internet, it never nagged me about scheduling a restart for an update. But of course everybody want to get images to their phone or something.
The Condo is gonna be lost as hell when I walk away from 26 camera's and a BI system.
Isn't that what your cellphone is for - to take a picture of the computer screen :lmao:


Getting the hang of it
Jan 2, 2021
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Just keep in mind, many come here with Win11 and BI not playing well together. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't.

But if you do nothing else on the computer than BI, no reason to update off Win10 until BI announces an update that is fully supported with Win11.

You keep a good firewall going, virus protection up-to-date and you will be fine. It's running an older version of Windows and using it to search the net and email and what not that can introduce a bad character. Keep the box locked down and all is good.
Thats good advice......frankly, I wouldnt g.a.s. fi I had to stay on W10 forever for BI . Nothing about W11 entices me. But security updates (not Windows updates) have become a way of life I guess.....I will use W10as long as I can....especially now that you said BI isnt quite stable as of yet on it.....

Hell, I would still be OK with W95 from years always worked well for EM......seems to me like half the time all they do is move where stuff is....and call them "upgrades". SOme software , upgrads are HUGE improvements. I still rememember Adobe Premiere 3.0 I guess it was.....20+ years worked, but seems like I always spent more time rebooting and troubleshooting some days than editing

All I do on the bI box is BI...and firefox to look at this forum sometimes...I have a dual NIC setup you walked me through doing (THANKS AGAIN!) and I run AVAST....strong and no issues for years though the constant popups do get fact a few of them caused some issues....I think I have those under control.

My biggest issue right now is being afraid to change anything since my last run in with Macrium/my PC not getting along.

So as of right now I don't have a backup......I got halfway thru the process and Macrium wiped the drive I was using for the back up and then things went south.....ARGH!!!!

Like an ass I didn't buy a second backup drive so I could keep the OLD backup and do a new one........something I had ALWAYS had back when I built video edit machines regularl, sled drives my favorite (due to the issues I had mentioned with earlier versions of Adobe) Job and technology chanegd so I got away from that. I need to go back to that. But I digress. Just got through a bad bought with COVID and trying to catch up with .......everything.

My BI box has been (knock wood) running fine since I managed to make a USBdrive "repair" drive as part of my original plan....but then found out that my MOBO is so old it doesnt allow booting from USB.

No BIOS settings am at a 6 way intersection, not sure which way to go and petrified to step off the curb...LOL

Just hoping teh bI box KEEPS ON running OK till I can tajke that first step into traffic.


Known around here
Feb 4, 2020
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Minnesota USA
Mopar dude, if your C:\ drive is relatively small, you can point macrium to the Drive letter of an external USB drive, as the destination for the image. Also you can use MAcrium to burn a Boot CD if USB booting is not available. Or you can add a boot menu on the C:\ drive itself of a Macrium recovery enviornment. It adds a new momentary screen to the boot process which allows you to select Macrium. So let that run, and then surf it towards the saved Drive Image on the external drive.
Screenshot 2022-03-11 080435.png


Known around here
Feb 4, 2020
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Minnesota USA
the image write back to the C:\ will be slower than from a SATA connected drive. I wote a backup to the internal surveillance drive as a test. That works too. Just create a folder so you can find it easily.