Just wondering if anyone can help, I am looking to set up Edimax IC-6230DC with Blue Iris and wondering if this will work before purchasing.
Smart Wireless Door Hook Network Camera - EDIMAX
Thanks, fairly new to this, I am currently in process of putting 4-5 cameras up and was originally thinking Hikvisions (recommended by a friend) and one Edimax to cover a door behind the garage.
Bit hard to explain, but it was either this or a camera mounted underside of the eaves on two storey.
I was looking at the Hikvision DS-2CD2342WD 2.8 or 4mm for eaves of 2 storey house.
HI Cx5
Placing the cameras that high will make them generally useless for ID purposes.
Recommend placing them significantly lower, in the USA the rule is 6-8 feet high for better results. Thats about 2M-2.5M high iirc for you.
Originally thinking to mount a camera on that door with a camera on second storey. But not sure now