Wow that is a very distant light source. I have a street light in my front yard about 40 feet in front of the place I'd put the camera so my situation isn't as bad as that. I'm getting the feeling that I'm just going to have to buy and try cameras until i find one I like. I was hoping for answers like "At that price point, X is the best camera for that use" but I'm guessing it's more complicated than that.You can shut off the IR and go 24/7 color. Night may take different setting, which is true of any camera that maintains color 24/7. There is no way to know for certain IF it will work in your situation or if a 5442 series would work either. I have one mounted where it gets help from a street light that's about 150 feet away, behind the camera. I can maintain color at night but only if I keep the shutter speed at 1/60 which does tend to blur fast motion a bit.