Hi Terri
Only you can say were the best place is to put a camera on your property. Because you are the one who knows were the wildlife is and the nesting birds are. I've looked at the other cameras you have and it might be the app you're using but they not very good quality videos. Not very clear. As for the zoom your talking about. Go for 10 plus zoom probably something like 20 times zoom. And 2 megapixel you shouldn't really need anything much more than that. And nobody on here will lie to you. If someone suggests a camera that they think will suit your needs..the one I sent a link to is a good choice and does not need a dvr.. And as for the owlet the little guy is doing great the parents are feeding the little one I've seen one of the parents every day.
Jon and All, I'm so glad you got to see my owlet being fed. There is so much food in the barrel that the little owl has been standing up on a rabbit so he can see out better

I've been so afraid the wind will blow him out of the nest. I have a pond right below and I'd feel terrible if he drown.
I did not mean that people here on the forum lie to me. I meant that the description on the cameras are deceptive when they say they are 10x and you have to take their numbers and calculate what the actual zoom is.
I did order a new camera from Amazon Prime on the 15th and it should arrive this afternoon. It's model SD49225T-HN 2MP 25x Starlight IR PTZ Network Camera. With my added discover points it was 356.00. I know what you are thinking and before you all start cussing let me explain. The seller is CameraKing2019 which is Andy's store

You should be happy and I hope you guys will feel obligated to be nice and help me
I can not believe I am drilling another hole through the brick of my house but a PTZ camera won't look good mounted off center. My husband is not pleased with me right now. He has been very tolerant over the years when I've had a wild hair to do my off the wall projects and I've had a few.. He is terribly afraid of heights and thinks I am imposing on my brother-in-law asking for help again. I never asked for help before I had a quadruple bypass two years ago. And last year I nearly lost my right arm in a head on collision and I didn't get full function of my right arm so it's been a real bummer. I now have two 7" plates in my arm. I attached a pic in case you think I am making it up. So I am hell bent on not letting the bad luck of the past two years discourage me. This dahua has to be a good experience.
So here's my thoughts.. this new camera will need to be centered in the highest peak to look right. Even though this dahua will be hung higher, the view of the nest might be lower than the bullet camera right? I've attached a few pics so you can tell me what you think.
I am trying to have an open mind but I think it just stick out like a sore thumb if I mounted it on the rafter, right? This is my last chance and I don't want it to look like hell.. My concern about having it on the rafter is the owls and hawks will use it as a perch and poop all over it
I think the only way I can get to the highest point is with the ladder the way I have it in the picture. I think if I tried to run it straight up to the second level, the lower roof would prevent the ladder from leaning against the brick. Weather permitting tomorrow I'm going to try myself before I ask my brother-in-law for help. I'm not sure I can hold the drill over my head with the long bit to get enough pressure to get through the 2 1/2" brick.
If I can do this myself, will it be okay if I mount the camera bracket using just two long bolts all the way through the brick using wing nuts on the inside of the attic?
Can I use the same adapter on the dahua that I used on my sibell camera? I think is was 15w. I am not using poe and it will run to my router.
I ordered a card and it won't be here until tomorrow. I ordered a
SanDisk 128GB Extreme microSD UHS-I Card with Adapter - U3 A2 - SDSQXA1-128G-GN6MA by SanDisk.
Will this card work okay and is the SD slot easy to get to? Will it be impossible to get to the card slot after the camera is hung? Do I format the card on my PC or is it done in the camera?
If you have any pointers I'd appreciate your constructive thoughts.
Sorry for all the questions. You guys please be nice and help me save face with my husband. I will take my lashings and you can stand in line and each of you can tell me 'I told you so'

only positive and helpful answers please? This has been stressful.
Thank you for your time.