Caught door checkers in the act!

Jul 31, 2018
I was alerted to movement in front of my home from my motion sensor driveway monitors from Harbor Freight. So i check my cameras and i see the door checkers. So i go outside to yell at the one checking neighbors car door. And he runs off. Can you give the police dispatcher a description from this video of the = age range, clothes, race, shoes, facial hair and direction of travel? Stay safe and lock your car doors. As you can see i did call the police.
Wow, it only took the police 50 minutes to show up and then they did not even go down the street that the guys ran to. Can't believe that they were checking doors so early in the evening. Ours usually wait until after 2:30am.
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I'm glad nothing was taken and you scared them off. these dumb guy's didn't appear to notice the cctv cameras or wern't bothered about them.. yes definitly i would reconise them and give a detailed discription.. put them on the local fb page someone will be able to say who they are,
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We have these door checkers in our neighborhood too, it's like a plague. I recorded one at around 10 in the morning.
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What cameras are you using?

Actually, I'm a door checker too. Every day I check the mail I check my doors too. And before bed if I'm not certain I remembered I lock them again with my keyfob. I think I've only left them open once by mistake in a number of years. Crime of opportunity. With neighborhoods literally looking like car dealerships now it's impossible for them to resist. When did it become the norm for households to have upwards of six cars all over the place? SMH. But yeah, it's typically the first thing you catch on camera when you install them. Just a matter of a short time before you eventually do. Wakeup call for sure.
I've never seen a door checker in our neighborhood, one of the advantages of living in a rural area with homes, and parking, set well back from the street. Our cars are inside a fenced yard with a locked gate so I'd get them long before they get to the cars.
Rural area. Home well off the street. Cars always parked in the garage. Cameras up the kazoo and my two buddies (Smith & Wesson) at the ready. I feel pretty reasonably safe here. ;)

Oh, I should add... Sheriff substation less than a half mile away...
With the white light you have , try mounting a cheap camera on the edge of the fence next to the sidewalk, to get faces. Cops in large cities are useless for this kind of call.
With the white light you have , try mounting a cheap camera on the edge of the fence next to the sidewalk, to get faces. Cops in large cities are useless for this kind of call.
Yeah i have plans for something lower at the back of the fence with another light in the same area. I dropped the flash drive of at the substation this morning, cop said they could identify them if they needed and asked me to write down the cameras because he wanted to place them at his home. I know the cops won't do anything unless they catch them in the act, but i just want them to come by anyway, with the slight chance they may catch them.
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What cameras are you using?

Actually, I'm a door checker too. Every day I check the mail I check my doors too. And before bed if I'm not certain I remembered I lock them again with my keyfob. I think I've only left them open once by mistake in a number of years. Crime of opportunity. With neighborhoods literally looking like car dealerships now it's impossible for them to resist. When did it become the norm for households to have upwards of six cars all over the place? SMH. But yeah, it's typically the first thing you catch on camera when you install them. Just a matter of a short time before you eventually do. Wakeup call for sure.
Yeah i check before bed every night. I four on the side street, two varifocals for close up and two over view. And it is actually the PTZ i am using for license plate capture that caught the faces in black and white. 2 = HDW-2431T-AS 2 = IPC-T2231T -ZS varifocals PTZ = SD49225T-HN Front driveway scene PTZ SD-22204UE-GN
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I'm glad nothing was taken and you scared them off. these dumb guy's didn't appear to notice the cctv cameras or wern't bothered about them.. yes definitly i would reconise them and give a detailed discription.. put them on the local fb page someone will be able to say who they are,
I put them on nextdoor, i do not have facebook. Nextdoor has two neighbors who caught them on their ring cameras but around two in the morning. So they stayed out a long time even after i called the police and they drove by my place. SMH
The ring cameras only caught overview of the idiots, so they would not have been able to facial id. But you could describe color of clothing from the ring flood light cameras.
Wow, it only took the police 50 minutes to show up and then they did not even go down the street that the guys ran to. Can't believe that they were checking doors so early in the evening. Ours usually wait until after 2:30am.
I know i was shocked at how early they were out. The cops went the wrong way but the idiots were still out checking doors after 2 am because some neighbors posted on nextdoor, Ring flood light video of them being run off from another area. The ass hat in all red jumped someones fence and lost a shoe in the mud.
Two my neighbors caught them on their ring flood light cameras. Not sure if you guys can open this but here they are running from some one elses place.
And the ass hat in all red jumping someones fence, at least he lost his shoe in the mud. Karma
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Please remember that the door checkers are not potential criminals, they are protestors railing against locked doors!

Defund locks! They discriminate and oppress