CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency)


Pulling my weight
Jun 22, 2015
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Southwest Desert, USA
I don't see a reason for multiple banks either, everything will come from the central bank instead...however realistically we'll end up with 4 to 6 large banks. Lena Petrova has a great videos on CDBCs, like the one in Nigeria where the banks limit withdrawal of cash per day, as they are trying to force people to use CDBCs. There's also concern about gov't in placing a end date on CDBCs received to force spending it or loosing it (to help the economy).

It is my understanding that there are two types of CDBCs, wholesale and retail. I wouldn't care about the wholesale CDBC, as it will only involve banks dealing with each other. However the retail version is my concern and which the Treasury has been experimenting with (FedNow).

If US implements a retail CBDC, they may outlaw BitCoin and others (like with gold in the old days).

There is legislation in both the Senate (Cruz) and House (Emmer) to prevent the central bank from implementing them.
Shit! I'm glad I'm 85 years old.


Getting comfortable
Jan 3, 2023
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Ahh so this is how it starts...

Awhile back I started noticing that I wasn't getting as much mail as I had in the past. Then, my credit card payments weren't making it to the CC company. I ended up switching everything over to online pay and abandoning the post office and sending checks. As it turns out, one of the employees at the post office was caught on camera stealing and throwing customers mail away. He was fired as he should have been. But here's the kick in the ribs on this story. They didn't follow proper procedure when they fired him so he got his job back with back pay for his troubles. He's back there working again. When I found this out I cancelled my post office box and get my mail delivered to my physical address which is done by the post office at the next town over. My local post office was always a great place to do business. But now it has bitchy females working there and a guy that steals mail. I hate that freaking place now. The USPS should just go out of business. It's been dead for years.


Known around here
Sep 25, 2021
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Don't ya' just love the SEIU?

The "National Master Freight Agreement" ends IIRC June 30 2023!
That deals with freight movement by the Teamsters.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Awhile back I started noticing that I wasn't getting as much mail as I had in the past. Then, my credit card payments weren't making it to the CC company. I ended up switching everything over to online pay and abandoning the post office and sending checks. As it turns out, one of the employees at the post office was caught on camera stealing and throwing customers mail away. He was fired as he should have been. But here's the kick in the ribs on this story. They didn't follow proper procedure when they fired him so he got his job back with back pay for his troubles. He's back there working again. When I found this out I cancelled my post office box and get my mail delivered to my physical address which is done by the post office at the next town over. My local post office was always a great place to do business. But now it has bitchy females working there and a guy that steals mail. I hate that freaking place now. The USPS should just go out of business. It's been dead for years.
Yeah I have seen the mail service degrade a lot over the years. It's like mail carriers don't care. We have had several issues in getting our mail. The Informed Delivery service has been great for us finding out what mail is coming but we never got.
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Oct 16, 2018
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Florida, USA
From what I’m hearing, Biden will do a Nixon-shift to the USD on July 26 at 2pm eastern. His shift will be to recall the paper dollar and replace it with CBDC similar to how Nixon took us off the gold standard thereby allowing the printing of “free” money which our politicians happily spent. Nixon said it was for the good of the American people and the sheeple readily accepted that statement. I expect Biden will say that it is to protect the USD as the world’s reserve currency because so many countries are dumping the USD and are now trading in their respective currencies. Never let a crisis go to waste.

What a CBDC will really do is let the government gain even more power.

Trying to figure out what to do…


Known around here
Sep 25, 2021
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President Nixon stopped the French from putting the dick to us! They traded in
$$$ for gold at the fixed price of $42ish and resold it @ spot price of over $118!
We the American public, were also allowed to accumulate gold legally for the first time since 1932.

If one looks @ the bullion coins now sold, ie. 1/10, 1/4, 1/2, and 1 oz they all have face values on them for a reason!
Fast forward to today, and wrap your head around that tidy nest egg of hard money one might have amassed. Say
it gets recalled at face value of new computer money! Silver would be taken too. Research the amount of silver JPMorgan Chase
has amassed! We are in for a ride!


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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From what I’m hearing, Biden will do a Nixon-shift to the USD on July 26 at 2pm eastern. His shift will be to recall the paper dollar and replace it with CBDC similar to how Nixon took us off the gold standard thereby allowing the printing of “free” money which our politicians happily spent. Nixon said it was for the good of the American people and the sheeple readily accepted that statement. I expect Biden will say that it is to protect the USD as the world’s reserve currency because so many countries are dumping the USD and are now trading in their respective currencies. Never let a crisis go to waste.

What a CBDC will really do is let the government gain even more power.

Trying to figure out what to do…
I hope that’s wrong, and there would be quite a pissing match, but the puppet masters may just try a bold move as they aren’t liking the pushback they’ve seen with the Plandemic, lagging acceptance of their climate change charade, and attempt at normalization of pedophilia…

But they’d likely announce a 5 year+ phased psyop program to soften up the sheep and allow the smart ones to accumulate real assets (land, Nat resources, housing, etc)

The common thought has always been the 3 B’s, bullets, beans, and bullion, but as @garycrist points out, I don’t see how they allow bullion price to be determined by the market, so they may just try to snag it again.
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David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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So what power does Biden have, is the Senate or House involved in this? Was it with Nixon that his party had both House and Senate? Is there a vote in this?

I am quite ignorant is all of this...


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Im not sure of the "legal" challenges either, but we're way past that mattering to them
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David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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It is oblivious our future is going to be this Communistic One World Governmental Control and it doesn't look like there is any way to stop it, but all I can say is my money better not decrease in value or I will....*^#@ :mad:...well I will be mad...:banghead: Guess I will be able to do nothing but complain about it...:(

I really see a large majority that will be blind about this like they were/are to the Covid Shot...They will buy the Lie that it will be a good thing...

A Storm is coming and all I have is a collapsible umbrella :mad:


Known around here
Sep 25, 2021
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See Executive order 6102. With the mighty stroke of a feeble pen, all can be done!
The enemy are those "MAGA Republicans" as already stated. There is a reason for the stated
value of those gold coins the Mint sells.
And it led to this beauty!!

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Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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They Want To Implement A Global System Of Digital Identification "For All" That Would Be Connected To Our Bank Accounts


Known around here
Sep 25, 2021
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I liked that article about CDC as it sure looks like what is found in the Rev. 13:16-17.

c hris527

Known around here
Oct 12, 2015
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I liked that article about CDC as it sure looks like what is found in the Rev. 13:16-17.
A few comments
From what I’m hearing, Biden will do a Nixon-shift to the USD on July 26 at 2pm eastern. His shift will be to recall the paper dollar and replace it with CBDC similar to how Nixon took us off the gold standard thereby allowing the printing of “free” money which our politicians happily spent. Nixon said it was for the good of the American people and the sheeple readily accepted that statement. I expect Biden will say that it is to protect the USD as the world’s reserve currency because so many countries are dumping the USD and are now trading in their respective currencies. Never let a crisis go to waste.

What a CBDC will really do is let the government gain even more power.

Trying to figure out what to do…
I do not think the FED is really ready to roll this out yet, Other Countries are rolling out bits and pieces about 'TEST Phases" and slowly warming us and other countries up for the Digital Age. Ask your local bank manager if they are ready for this or If they know anything about this? A good chance you might get a Deer in the headlight look. This is something that happens in Phases, think about it, Like any other big change it will happen in baby steps, First it will be rolled out as a NEW Option only and touted how easy and safe it is verses having cash, the Younger generation is already doing this anyway with their smart phones so they will have NO Issues with this. Once established as a "Alternative or Option" , people will be "Nudged" to move over to it. It will be sold as the BEST thing ever.
The next step will be large so called private sector companies will be offering discounts for using it and eventually putting a shelf date on Greenback transactions in their stores, Think about it, we saw how effective this can work with our employers during the last so called crisis right? Either do this or lose your job. Eventually, Some kind of "Monetary Mishap" will happen and we will have a final date to turn all our cash for digital coins or lose out on its value, There will be a LOT of pushback on this from the Older Generation and we will see a lot of show fights in Congress, they will not fight for keeping cash in circulation, but most likely rolling back the dates or extending dates and giving us language on how the Government cannot control the public or exchange rates, In the End this is going to be a reality at some point. This is just my opinion based on what happened in our very near past on how the entire planet was nudged to do something first as a 'OPTION" and eventually forced people to do IT or else.
Just think about all our new semi new citizens with Guv assigned cell phones who will gladly submit to this process. None of what is happening now is a happenstance or coincidence. This is just just the first part, the next part once established and working is when I believe gets all bad.


Known around here
Sep 25, 2021
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During the Reconstruction Era, Texas was cut-off and put under the thumb of the
same soldiers that fought those tough Texans in the War of Northern Aggression .
There was primarily barter and very little Hard Money.

If the government makes money "digital" then food, bullets, firearms and seeds
will be on top of several lists!

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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A few comments

I do not think the FED is really ready to roll this out yet, Other Countries are rolling out bits and pieces about 'TEST Phases" and slowly warming us and other countries up for the Digital Age. Ask your local bank manager if they are ready for this or If they know anything about this? A good chance you might get a Deer in the headlight look. This is something that happens in Phases, think about it, Like any other big change it will happen in baby steps, First it will be rolled out as a NEW Option only and touted how easy and safe it is verses having cash, the Younger generation is already doing this anyway with their smart phones so they will have NO Issues with this. Once established as a "Alternative or Option" , people will be "Nudged" to move over to it. It will be sold as the BEST thing ever.
The next step will be large so called private sector companies will be offering discounts for using it and eventually putting a shelf date on Greenback transactions in their stores, Think about it, we saw how effective this can work with our employers during the last so called crisis right? Either do this or lose your job. Eventually, Some kind of "Monetary Mishap" will happen and we will have a final date to turn all our cash for digital coins or lose out on its value, There will be a LOT of pushback on this from the Older Generation and we will see a lot of show fights in Congress, they will not fight for keeping cash in circulation, but most likely rolling back the dates or extending dates and giving us language on how the Government cannot control the public or exchange rates, In the End this is going to be a reality at some point. This is just my opinion based on what happened in our very near past on how the entire planet was nudged to do something first as a 'OPTION" and eventually forced people to do IT or else.
Just think about all our new semi new citizens with Guv assigned cell phones who will gladly submit to this process. None of what is happening now is a happenstance or coincidence. This is just just the first part, the next part once established and working is when I believe gets all bad.
I did ask at our Bank and they were clueless to what even CBDC was...


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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They wont need but a few big banks. The Fed becomes your bank. The little banks are dead men walking.

JP Morgan Announces Groundbreaking Digital Currency
JP Morgan Announces Groundbreaking Digital Currency | ZeroHedge

.... This news follows the recent trend of financial institutions embracing cryptocurrencies and digital assets. Zero Hedge reported that HSBC is now offering cryptocurrency services, and the Hong Kong stock exchange is exploring crypto-based exchange-traded funds (ETFs). The rapid pace at which these developments are occurring challenges the notion that widespread adoption of CBDCs is a distant future scenario.

As the financial landscape undergoes rapid transformation, one thing is clear: decades of change are happening right before our eyes. The emergence of digital currencies and the ongoing debate around their implications for individual freedoms and market competition demand our attention.