China hik 2432 5.1 motion detection


Young grasshopper
Mar 23, 2014
Any fixes to get the motion detection working on the china version of 2432. Has 5.1.0 installed with english option. Channel is triggered and set to motion record. recording to microsd works but will not work using several different software options. Also tired using pir. thx
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Please clarify....the camera records to the sd card so what exactly is not working? recording to pc?
yes records to sd with no problem, however it will not record to pc using in camera motion detection. My 2032 running 5.0 does so without problems but it's a usa model. thinking the 2432 china version has something in the firware blocking it.
I run avigilon, but tried ivms4200 as well as acti nvr 3 to make sure it wasn't software issues. I've heard that some of the hik from china will not allow motion detection recording unless ur using the china software only. This camera was purchased from wright wood . Thx
Can't speak for Avigilon, but I use Milestone, have 4 Hikvision cameras with 5.1, 5.1.2, 5.0.2 and they all record fine. My 2432 is 5.1 from Wrightwood, has been since new and I have it set to record using PIR motion detection (not video motion detection as that would defeat the great PIR motion detect feature it has). In Milestone, I have motion detect disabled which allows the camera to trigger motion detection.

Attached is the picture of Milestone showing my living room recordings which are the red lines.

Milestone LR.jpg
Yeah maybe I got a bad one. I have 2 other hikvision 2032 firmware 5.0 in avigilon and they run beautifully. I agree, much rathar PIR but I have tired it both ways.... motion / PIR with no luck in several different software options. I'll prob just use this stubborn cam in a remote location with sd only recording. Thx
I wouldn't say it's Avigilon because Avigilon imo is like the most friendliest of the bunch with its zero configuration. I've tried just about all of them including xprotect. Also at the least it should work with ivms4200 but dosent. I tried downloading the Chineese 5.0.2 the other day from wright wood and it seems the zip file is not working correctly. When trying to flash the firmware with English versions it will not take and says incorrect language.
I have the same problem but with FTP. It will not connect to a ftp server on motion detection. Following the above i tried loading a different firmware but when i do - it fails.
Anyone had problems getting a firmware to load on a hikvision?
What firmware are you using, where did you get it from? That message pops up if there's a checksum error, meaning the copy you have is corrupted in some way, either at the source you got it from or when you ftp'ed from them.
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What firmware are you using, where did you get it from? That message pops up if there's a checksum error, meaning the copy you have is corrupted in some way, either at the source you got it from or when you ftp'ed from them.

It was from their US ftp server. Using a firmware from the european website instead seems to have solved my issues. Thanks
I just asked one of my distributors for the 5.0.2. firmware if you want to try it. I'll PM you the link.

Just flashed it with the supplied link, however it is still the 5.1.0 version with all of the same settings. Are you sure the file is for 5.0.2? The flash completed fine and the camera rebooted as normal. thx
I contacted them not realizing they are a day ahead of us and it's Saturday and a holiday weekend. I'll check back with them on Monday.
5.1 broke the motion detection with ACC you need the new build of 5.1 140217
Its on their site:
FTP site below under folder /VMS_Firmware/ONVIF.

Username: hikfirmware
Password: Hikvision123

You will have to TFTP if using china model.
I have 2 2032's a 2632 and a 2632 on Avigilon with motion.
I tried everything before I found out there was an Onvif issue with the first 5.1 build.