Christian Vaccine Exemption Form

Frankly I don't trust any of the studies, from either side. They all cherry pick their data and the data is already being manipulated at the source. I still say it's all fear porn and a way to gain more control and eliminate as much of our traditional freedoms as possible. If the vaccine is so great why did the CDC have to change their definition of what constitutes a vaccine? That alone should give pause to everyone, assuming they can grasp the significance of an action like that.
That’s a very important point to make for sure as it relates to stats and how numbers are derived. I’m going to play devils advocate so bare with me as it relates to say numbers or what others would refer to as consensus.

People often cite the majority in X bolsters a position or view. In some instances that may very well be true but what is rarely asked or shown is that number depends upon what the subject matter is.

More than 1 million pet rocks were sold since its public release. If someone asked a salesman if selling one rock was impressive and showed a depend / hot seller the answer would be a profound - no!

If the same item sold 100K would the salesman say that was a fail - no!

Given over 1 million pet rocks were sold if someone asked the same if the product was a fail the answer would be - no!

That isn’t the question that should be asked! The question is isn’t it incredible that people are willing to part with hard earned money for a coloured rock - Yes!

As of this writing there are more than five million people who truly believe the earth is flat?!? If we go back to numbers and stats we all can agree that’s a large number vs 1 / 1 million!

Are these people wrong ???

What happens when that number becomes 1 billion strong in the belief the earth is flat?? Can a single person shout back against 1 billion people and argue their position and belief is out right crazy?!?

As of this writing more than 25% of the WORLD population believe man never landed on the moon?!? I want everyone to break out the paper math as to how many people that represents!

Let’s just say for convenience that’s 2 billion humans that truly believe this. Is a single person or 1 million people who bring facts to the table going to change these peoples minds?!?

The reality is humans are driven by emotions and are easily fooled by slight of hand or swayed because they are weak minded. Critical thinking isn’t very common which shouldn’t be confused with anti facts or establishment.

How does the above relate to COVID-19??

Those responsible have not done a very good job in providing the facts. The biggest problem I see is people are taking (cherry picking) facts to suite their needs. Both sides are guilty of this horseshit. So it’s important to ask the right questions and look at the data that’s available and keep iterating their knowledge base as it’s ever changing.

When people start taking random stuff not proven to help stave off this terrible virus you have simply made it worse for yourself and those who follow you!

Don’t just follow some random tweet as being the gold standard of health information. Don’t just read the same material from a biased source. Don’t surround yourself with people who can’t understand basic science and the facts they provide.

Lastly, assume everyone is only giving you half the information!

As the most convincing lie is one that is hidden between two truths.
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The biggest problem is determining what is, indeed, true. The CDC and the rest of the alphabet soup have been twisting numbers and data from the get go. Even getting their "raw" data is questionable since it comes from institutions that rely on them, government funds or have a vested interest in things that influence them to skew their data before it is reported. It's all BS and smoke and mirrors designed to obfuscate and get the result wanted. The best we as individuals, can do is investigate, analyze with extreme caution, consider all the outside influences that are producing the data and then form our own opinion. Those that chose to just take what the MSM and government have to say as the absolute truth are the equivalent of sheep on the way to the slaughterhouse of human rights and freedom.
The biggest problem is determining what is, indeed, true. The CDC and the rest of the alphabet soup have been twisting numbers and data from the get go. Even getting their "raw" data is questionable since it comes from institutions that rely on them, government funds or have a vested interest in things that influence them to skew their data before it is reported. It's all BS and smoke and mirrors designed to obfuscate and get the result wanted. The best we as individuals, can do is investigate, analyze with extreme caution, consider all the outside influences that are producing the data and then form our own opinion. Those that chose to just take what the MSM and government have to say as the absolute truth are the equivalent of sheep on the way to the slaughterhouse of human rights and freedom.

Agreed, but at some point people have to believe in something. I don’t believe the CDC was created from inception to just provide the government and its citizens fake news.

This is why specific institutions must always remain neutral and provide the facts as it relates to their core mandate. In 2021 the people of the world have never been more cynical and biased.

Everyone will need to find their own centre. Ask and understand the information they receive isn’t 100% because the goal posts seems to be ever moving.

What shouldn’t change is belief in family, country, duty.
Agree with both of you.

An example of something I though very odd to say the least was when the exalted Dr Fauci, the guy who supposedly runs the show, just last week when asked about the durability of natural immunity from those who have already had the flu, said something to the effect of "we need to look into that"

Now how is it we're almost 2 years into this and that question hasnt been "looked into" by the folks running the show?

And why for Gods sake would you not have "looked into" that by now?

I've yet to hear any sensible response to that question...

Follow the money
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Agreed, but at some point people have to believe in something. I don’t believe the CDC was created from inception to just provide the government and its citizens fake news.

This is why specific institutions must always remain neutral and provide the facts as it relates to their core mandate. In 2021 the people of the world have never been more cynical and biased.

Of course not, but those people are no longer in charge. Institutions such as the CDC are made up of people. Some people lie to benefit themselves, others go along to keep their job.

Just look at the FBI....

People understandingly have a hard time acknowledging that government institutions they've revered and trusted all their lives can be and have been corrupted. I get that. It goes to the very foundations of our country and way of life. Its very unsettling. Some would rather ignore it and assume it cant possibly be true to maintain their own sense of normalcy. The alternative is frightening and leads one to some very disturbing questions.

My Boss is one of those. A self proclaimed Conservative and generally great guy. We would chat about politics and current events routinely for hours sometimes.
I told him years ago that the FBI and Democrat bogus claims of Trump Russian collusion was fake, That the FBI, DOJ and others were corrupted and that he was being lied to. He got red in the face, threw me out of his office and told me we could not not speak again about such things. He said to question our Justice system was effectively blasphemy and that he couldn't tolerate anyone denouncing it.

We;ve since made up but we stay away from politics ;) he proudly voted for Biden
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I believe I'll have another cup of coffee.
Of course not, but those people are no longer in charge. Institutions such as the CDC are made up of people. Some people lie to benefit themselves, others go along to keep their job.

Just look at the FBI....

People understandingly have a hard time acknowledging that government institutions they've revered and trusted all their lives can be and have been corrupted. I get that. It goes to the very foundations of our country and way of life. Its very unsettling. Some would rather ignore it and assume it cant possibly be true to maintain their own sense of normalcy. The alternative is frightening and leads one to some very disturbing questions.

My Boss is one of those. A self proclaimed Conservative and generally great guy. We would chat about politics and current events routinely for hours sometimes.
I told him years ago that the FBI and Democrat bogus claims of Trump Russian collusion was fake, That the FBI, DOJ and others were corrupted and that he was being lied to. He got red in the face, threw me out of his office and told me we could not not speak again about such things. He said to question our Justice system was effectively blasphemy and that he couldn't tolerate anyone denouncing it.

We;ve since made up but we stay away from politics ;) he proudly voted for Biden

I really can’t make factual judgments on things where I’ve not been involved or have first hand accounts. To step back for a moment from the topic at hand I do have to say it brings great sadness to myself and those around me to see how torn America is.

Perhaps, it’s been this way for a long time simply simmering along until that perfect storm?!?

One would think (I refer you all to my earlier and crazy UFO scenario) that something like COVID-19 would be that threat that would unify the entire nation.

That didn’t happen nor did it happen anywhere else around the world so maybe I was being foolish in thinking such world pain would bring everyone together! As it relates to government I think everyone can agree the concept of representing the people for the people has been long broken wherever you’re on the planet.

There world needs a huge reset where those in power do and follow through with what’s right and not what’s popular. Corporations as great as they are for employment is one of the problems that cause so much pain and loss to the people below.

As you said earlier follow the money.

When money and power is involved it always seems to corrupt even the best of us. Even if it’s in a small way to get a positive result if you take bribes, donations, whatever you want to say to make it sound OK.

That very act has biased your decision just for a outcome for you or others!

At the end of the day our grandkids and ancestors will be looking back at how COVID-19 didn’t bring people together but caused nations to crumble.
If you don't want to get the vaccine because you are confident that you will be part of the 99.5% that "survives" COVID, just remember that "surviving" doesn't mean that you won't potentially have a long hospital stay and/or other complications.
The flip side is go ahead and get the shot if you're confident there won't be any side effects. Here's the link to an obit for a perfectly healthy 37 year old mother of two who died from the shot after taking it only because of obstacles caused by the mandates:
Jessica Berg Wilson Obituary (1983 - 2021) The Oregonian

The rub seems to be that some are better off with the shot and some are worse off, and the only way you know for sure is in hindsight. I don't want to take the responsibility of telling somebody what they should do, and have my pressure lead them to the wrong decision. Individuals need to make their own decision and live with its consequences. Hard to make an informed decision with the government and big pharma control propaganda machine running at warp speed.
Because this whole conversation has gone off the rails let me push crazy farther!

My question is this as insane as it reads.

Aliens and UFO’s show up everywhere across the globe. These aliens tell you all they came back today because we were this great experiment of life.

The questions are do you stop believing in your faith / religion?!? Because what they just told you is every one of us was made from a little beaker of material!

Do you believe this to be true and now become unfaithful to whatever?!?
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Love how they say that the reliance on vaccination needs to be "re-examined" and other methods of mitigation may be needed while claiming there is no relationship between vaccination and increasing infection rates. The natural inference is that a vaccine prevents infection while the opposite is happening in many places, say a 50/50 ratio. More careful dancing and twisting by the alphabet soup agencies.
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I'll just leave this here.

(* Note: dont read this if you want to believe the 'vaccines" are working)

Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States

Who is the source you ask? Why the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), for whom Dr Fraudci works.

I think to be fair people have to first accept this virus isn’t what most would consider normal. I can’t recall anytime in my lifetime where a classified virus mutated no less than four times in a single year.

It should be noted there are currently no less than 8-12 COVID-19 variants in the wild. But, the powers that be have not given it that Official classification.

I’m not sure what the threshold is to be classified as a variant of concern. I remind everyone of my pet rocks analogy where people decide what is considered relevant vs not.

If there’s a town of only 50 people and 25 get X obviously that’s 50%. If the population is ten million but the infected is one million and of those one million 500K die.

People could argue that’s a low percentage. But just stand back and say aloud that’s 500K that died! I don’t know about anyone else but 500K dying isn’t a small number in my view.

The other argument I read often is X kills more per year say car accidents - sure. But that isn’t the conversation or the threat at the moment is it.

If people talk about simple odds of getting killed by a car however it happens vs getting the virus I’m sure the odds are in favour of the virus! Given all of the daily threats we all face from the world I just don’t believe it’s reasonable to increase your threat level especially if you have a method / solution to reduce or mitigate the same.

None of us are getting any younger and lots of us have family. Life’s really too short to let something so terrible cut you / I down when it’s in your grasp and power.

I would be truly sad to learn about anyone here in this thread never mind in the forum that passed on from this terrible virus.

Take care of you - Rock On!
Once again agree with you sir.
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