That’s a very important point to make for sure as it relates to stats and how numbers are derived. I’m going to play devils advocate so bare with me as it relates to say numbers or what others would refer to as consensus.
People often cite the majority in X bolsters a position or view. In some instances that may very well be true but what is rarely asked or shown is that number depends upon what the subject matter is.
More than 1 million pet rocks were sold since its public release. If someone asked a salesman if selling one rock was impressive and showed a depend / hot seller the answer would be a profound - no!
If the same item sold 100K would the salesman say that was a fail - no!
Given over 1 million pet rocks were sold if someone asked the same if the product was a fail the answer would be - no!
That isn’t the question that should be asked! The question is isn’t it incredible that people are willing to part with hard earned money for a coloured rock - Yes!
As of this writing there are more than five million people who truly believe the earth is flat?!?
If we go back to numbers and stats we all can agree that’s a large number vs 1 / 1 million!
Are these people wrong ???
What happens when that number becomes 1 billion strong in the belief the earth is flat?? Can a single person shout back against 1 billion people and argue their position and belief is out right crazy?!?
As of this writing more than 25% of the WORLD population believe man never landed on the moon?!? I want everyone to break out the paper math as to how many people that represents!
Let’s just say for convenience that’s 2 billion humans that truly believe this. Is a single person or 1 million people who bring facts to the table going to change these peoples minds?!?
The reality is humans are driven by emotions and are easily fooled by slight of hand or swayed because they are weak minded. Critical thinking isn’t very common which shouldn’t be confused with anti facts or establishment.
How does the above relate to COVID-19??
Those responsible have not done a very good job in providing the facts. The biggest problem I see is people are taking (cherry picking) facts to suite their needs. Both sides are guilty of this horseshit. So it’s important to ask the right questions and look at the data that’s available and keep iterating their knowledge base as it’s ever changing.
When people start taking random stuff not proven to help stave off this terrible virus you have simply made it worse for yourself and those who follow you!
Don’t just follow some random tweet as being the gold standard of health information. Don’t just read the same material from a biased source. Don’t surround yourself with people who can’t understand basic science and the facts they provide.
Lastly, assume everyone is only giving you half the information!
As the most convincing lie is one that is hidden between two truths.