Christian Vaccine Exemption Form

The "vaccine" was 90-whatever percent effective until it wasn't.
It was 100% effective at preventing death from covid until it wasn't.
It prevented spread of covid until it didn't.
Over 90% of cases in hospitals are unvaccinated when counting the numbers back from when the vaccination rate was low.
The pandemic of the unvaccinated is spreading heavily in highly vaccinated Israel.
The long term effects are established for something less than a year old.
My doctor is waiting on the shot after seeing how many of his patients landed in the hospital from side effects.
Two people I know personally at 2 different hospitals tell me the scare info from their workplace is mostly lies.
Ivermectin use denied treatment to gunshot victims in Oklahoma until it didn't.
70% of poison control calls were about Ivermectin until it was 2%

Please excuse me for not believing anything I hear that's "pro vax". Most of it comes from coordinated disinformation campaigns.
Why is there even a debate on this subject? If you want the shot get it. If don't want it, then don't.

It's called a choice and no one can make that for you. If you don't like choice of freedom, then fuck off and worry about yourself.

Yes, absolutely a choice ..

that stated, I see numerous different parties spreading FUD on good data with this Pandemic.

Facts so far:
Masks help reduce the spread
Other hygiene responses work to help reduce the spread
Ventilation helps reduce the spread
People need to lose weight in the USA
People need to eat healthier
People need to be more fit
Vaccines work
Vitamin-D works, as do other vitamins help ( see the FLCCC list )
Ivermectin works.

Seeing enough of my extended family poo-poo one of the above facts from one reason or the other .. but then, perhaps that's the game plan, distract and split the lower 99.99% while the top 0.01% rake in the cash ...

The "vaccine" was 90-whatever percent effective until it wasn't.
It was 100% effective at preventing death from covid until it wasn't.
It prevented spread of covid until it didn't.
Over 90% of cases in hospitals are unvaccinated when counting the numbers back from when the vaccination rate was low.
The pandemic of the unvaccinated is spreading heavily in highly vaccinated Israel.
The long term effects are established for something less than a year old.
My doctor is waiting on the shot after seeing how many of his patients landed in the hospital from side effects.
Two people I know personally at 2 different hospitals tell me the scare info from their workplace is mostly lies.
Ivermectin use denied treatment to gunshot victims in Oklahoma until it didn't.
70% of poison control calls were about Ivermectin until it was 2%

Please excuse me for not believing anything I hear that's "pro vax". Most of it comes from coordinated disinformation campaigns.

The vaccines, anyone with a clue knows that eventually a mutation comes and reduces the effectiveness.

That is how it works. The is the facts on vaccines which are unable to create immunity.

Vaccines still work very well to reduce severe covid-19 and death... better than ivermectin alone.

You can see the BS in the MSM right now with Ivermectin .. again imho it's a part of the game to divide us vs the reality that is happening
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Young, fit, and healthy. Previously been infected with SARS-COV-2 and will likely have a more robust immunity than with the vax. I see no reason to get the vaccine.

Since you feel that way then why don't you sign a DNR and don't go to the hospital if you get sick with covid.


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I don’t mean to be argumentative either. If there’s going to be a discussion, all sides should be heard.

I certainly have not take anyone's comments to be argumentative yet either. I don't think you took my statement that way, but I just wanted to be clear. It's just so hard to convey intent on social media posts.

I think we have all seen or been involved with enough of these "debates" that quickly spiral into a shitstorm with name calling and worse. That hasn't happened here yet, and I hope that it doesn't. Like you, that is what I wanted to avoid.

So thumbs up for the conversation so far! :thumb:
I certainly have not take anyone's comments to be argumentative yet either. I don't think you took my statement that way, but I just wanted to be clear. It's just so hard to convey intent on social media posts.

I think we have all seen or been involved with enough of these "debates" that quickly spiral into a shitstorm with name calling and worse. That hasn't happened here yet, and I hope that it doesn't. Like you, that is what I wanted to avoid.

So thumbs up for the conversation so far! :thumb:

Yeah.. but why are there so many people be like:

Here are my arguments/opinion .. starts debate
but i dont want to discuss on the topic either..

never understand .. and yeah.. this is what you did. name calling
Since you feel that way then why don't you sign a DNR and don't go to the hospital if you get sick with covid.
Then lets include those who are by choice obese from unhealthy eating, smokers, bungee jumpers, alcohol abusers, careless drivers, rock climbers, boaters who don't wear life jackets, and so forth. Why single out just one thing?
Since you feel that way then why don't you sign a DNR and don't go to the hospital if you get sick with covid.
Perhaps there are actually treatments that between incompetent government, big pharma and hospitals, and fear mongering media, don't get an honest discussion or use. Ivermectin, as an example, works. Period. Perfect, hardly, but a tool in the tool box to use.

Of the four folks I know who got sick from it, none were offered ANY treatment. None.

Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk
Then let's include those who are by choice obese from unhealthy eating, smokers, bungee jumpers, alcohol abusers, careless drivers, rock climbers, boaters who don't wear life jackets, and so forth. Why single out just one thing?
Most of what you stated doesn't really affect other people vs Spreading a virus, and clogging up hospitals. Have a good day sir, Stay healthy and safe.
Most of what you stated doesn't really affect other people vs Spreading a virus, and clogging up hospitals. Have a good day sir, Stay healthy and safe.

so what to do about those who ARE vaxxed but still spread it. All of the recent studies, not the least of which is Israel, show the vaxxxed as spreading the virus…. Big time. And if you ARE vaxxed then why should you care if I am or not?
I don’t normally post to political / religious threads as this isn’t why I’m here. If I wanted to discuss and debate either topic there are thousands of web sites to do the same.

Having said this, I like to say much thanks to the forum owners to allow every member speak their peace on so many random topics and subjects.

Now, my thoughts are having lived through this like everyone else here. These are my thoughts and questions as it pertains to this virus.

- Can anyone reference any recent disease or virus that has literally impacted the entire world and shut down borders, trade, travel, etc?

- Can anyone reference the same that has put so many people in the hospital on ventilators? The same can be asked regarding COVID-19 deaths is / was often touted to be higher from the seasonal flu. As of this writing nobody’s affirming the flu has killed more people vs COVID-19 in the last 18 months since it began?

- Can anyone reference the same where government and industry came together to fast track so many things from PPE to drugs?

- Can anyone cite a time where the citizens have been quarantined across the globe at length and tested in history?

- Can anyone offer an example where people (depends where you live) are required to show health information that was considered a privacy health restricted? More to the point a employer or business can not ask you or anyone your religious belief, political affiliation, sexual orientation, never mind if you had STD or COVID-19 shots?!?

- COVID-19 Passport: Can anyone name a time living in a city, town where a person must show ID indicating a specific status as it pertains to their health to participate in a activity or enter a premises?!?


My thoughts:

Regardless of what people believe COVID-19 and their mutated variants are not a hoax. I don’t believe someone had a master plan to kill millions of people and try to ruin the global economy.

I do believe someone was working on this virus and more than likely got infected due to being careless and stupid! Instead of alerting their team they were scared and the rest is history as it spread like wild fire across the globe!

More than 160 nations didn’t come together over poker to decide this was a good time to close their borders and kill thousands of their citizens in 18 months.

What I can say is many governments across the globe are NOT handling this pandemic correctly even after having 18 freaking months to learn from past mistakes. Yet continue to do the same or worse today?!?

Like others I agree there hasn’t been enough time to know what these various vaccines can and will do to the human body. Never in history has their been a vaccine that may require endless booster shots?!?

Now, do I think some one has integrated micro (nano) chips in the drugs - No! You have to be 10 kinds of stupid if you believe this to be true!

Things that really concern me is the two tier state of vax vs unvaccinated. Having to display a so called passport to show a inoculated state. Freedom of movement or the lack thereof to participate in activities or enter a business establishment.

I don’t want or like people asking me questions randomly at their will.

Regardless of the above these are my questions and views on some of things I’ve seen and endured.
Perhaps there are actually treatments that between incompetent government, big pharma and hospitals, and fear-mongering media, don't get an honest discussion or use. Ivermectin, as an example, works. Period. Perfect, hardly, but a tool in the toolbox to use.

Of the four folks I know who got sick from it, none were offered ANY treatment. None.

Sent from my Pixel 4a using Tapatalk

so what to do about those who ARE vaxxed but still spread it. All of the recent studies, not the least of which is Israel, show the vaxxxed as spreading the virus…. Big time. And if you ARE vaxxed then why should you care if I am or not?
OK yes, the vax is spreading it. however, the virus is not mutating in the vax only in the un-vax and that's the problem. Perhaps I should have been more detailed from the jump.
The virus is not mutating in the vaccinated only in the unvaccinated and that's the problem.
Most of what you stated doesn't really affect other people vs Spreading a virus, and clogging up hospitals.
I was responding specifically to your suggestion that those who choose to not get the shot should voluntarily refuse hospital care. You're assigning my response to a totally different subject. My question was if people who choose to not get the shot should voluntarily give up hospital care, why shouldn't the same apply to those who choose to take risks that may lead to seeking hospital care?
The virus is not mutating in the vaccinated only in the unvaccinated and that's the problem.

The virus is not mutating in the vaccinated only in the unvaccinated and that's the problem.
Gosh, and I've read multiple reports that the shot is what's leading to the mutations. Hard to believe anything we're told.
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