@Teken posted
I don’t normally post to political / religious threads as this isn’t why I’m here. If I wanted to discuss and debate either topic there are thousands of web sites to do the same.
Having said this, I like to say much thanks to the forum owners to allow every member speak their peace on so many random topics and subjects.
Now, my thoughts are having lived through this like everyone else here. These are my thoughts and questions as it pertains to this virus.
- Can anyone reference any recent disease or virus that has literally impacted the entire world and shut down borders, trade, travel, etc?
No. And one with a 99% survival rate should not have and does not warrant it
- Can anyone reference the same that has put so many people in the hospital on ventilators? The same can be asked regarding COVID-19 deaths is / was often touted to be higher from the seasonal flu. As of this writing nobody’s affirming the flu has killed more people vs COVID-19 in the last 18 months since it began?
Will take some research, but are you not curious why the common flu and pneumonia have literally disappeared according to CDC ?
- Can anyone reference the same where government and industry came together to fast track so many things from PPE to drugs?
No, because they knew early on it was an escaped engineered virus from a bio lab they were and still are scared shitless.
- Can anyone cite a time where the citizens have been quarantined across the globe at length and tested in history?
- Can anyone offer an example where people (depends where you live) are required to show health information that was considered a privacy health restricted? More to the point a employer or business can not ask you or anyone your religious belief, political affiliation, sexual orientation, never mind if you had STD or COVID-19 shots?!?
- COVID-19 Passport: Can anyone name a time living in a city, town where a person must show ID indicating a specific status as it pertains to their health to participate in a activity or enter a premises?!?
My thoughts:
Regardless of what people believe COVID-19 and their mutated variants are not a hoax. I don’t believe someone had a master plan to kill millions of people and try to ruin the global economy.
Agree. It was an escaped lab virus that was actively being worked on, engineered, for years. It was funded in part by Dr Fauci as proven just yesterday by leaked documents. It scared the shit out of governments because they knew it was an engineered virus and didn’t (don’t still) know the long term effects.
I do believe someone was working on this virus and more than likely got infected due to being careless and stupid! Instead of alerting their team they were scared and the rest is history as it spread like wild fire across the globe!
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More than 160 nations didn’t come together over poker to decide this was a good time to close their borders and kill thousands of their citizens in 18 months.
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What I can say is many governments across the globe are NOT handling this pandemic correctly even after having 18 freaking months to learn from past mistakes. Yet continue to do the same or worse today?!?
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Like others I agree there hasn’t been enough time to know what these various vaccines can and will do to the human body. Never in history has their been a vaccine that may require endless booster shots?!?
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Now, do I think some one has integrated micro (nano) chips in the drugs - No! You have to be 10 kinds of stupid if you believe this to be true!
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Things that really concern me is the two tier state of vax vs unvaccinated. Having to display a so called passport to show a inoculated state. Freedom of movement or the lack thereof to participate in activities or enter a business establishment.
Agree. Because opportunistic politicians have taken advantage of the pandemic to implement greater control over their populations
I don’t want or like people asking me questions randomly at their will.
Regardless of the above these are my questions and views on some of things I’ve seen and endured.