+1 on an updated refurbished list.
Edit: O.K. now I see that the first post does in fact contain the updated list, my bad.
Also, have the 6mm lens versions of the
IPC-T5442TM-AS become impossible to find? They seem to have dissappeared since shortly into the Black Friday sale.
One more question: what is the full story on the firmware on these 5442 series (as well as the ZE variants) as far as choosing between a working Smart IR and proper AI/IVS/Tripwire functionality? I see a lot a references to more recent firmware versions that seem to fix the Smart IR, but to the detriment of the other functions. It seems odd that we can't have both....
Edit: O.K., I finally found the appropriate massive thread (SMD 3.0 dahua) that covers it thoroughly. Just finished reading the whole thing though, and am still left slightly confused: can we have both a fast acting and accurate SMD 3.0 and working SmartIR together on the latest firmware for the 5442 series? Or are there still situations that favor the late 2020 releases?