Combining two blue iris feeds


Jul 10, 2018
Sorry about the incredibly noob question guys. I saw some posts on fort forwarding and managing cameras that are two different WANs

For the local cameras I have them mapped as:


For a camera that is at my work I want to map it as:

But how can I specify each camera on that work blueiris network that is set up with its own local LAN address.

I understand the solution is port forwarding but would someone please show me where I give it individual ports that I can forward.

I'm using digimerge DND13TL2. Thank you all in advance.
You don't set up port forwarding rules in the camera. That is done in the router. There are a lot of reasons this might be a bad idea though.

1) It is just asking for your stuff to get hacked, exposing it through port forwarding. It happens all the time. It isn't so bad if your router supports port forwarding rules that only work for specific source addresses and you use that to restrict access to only the address that is supposed to be pulling streams. But most routers do not support this.
2) Streaming video to Blue Iris is extremely bandwidth-heavy and chances are your internet providers won't like seeing that much constant usage unless you bought dedicated bandwidth for an arm and a leg. You are looking at hundreds of gigabytes per camera per month. Could be even 1-3 terabytes per camera per month if they are high bit rate.
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You're welcome...share with us your progress (failures and successes!), if you care to. Speaking for myself, I can only read so much, have to get my hands on it...I learn best by doing.
To connect one BI to another BI I've used the following in video set up:

Make: Generic
Model: Raw H.264
Path: /h264/XXX/temp.h264 <- replace XXX with the short camera name you chose under General

I haven't looked into getting PTZ/IR etc working or audio.

It's a handy way to keep an off site lower quality backup. It's also been useful to feed remote locations into a single BI system for showing all locations in a unified view on a big screen TV and the mobile app. Owner can just select the location from the camera list instead of having to login/logout all the time.

If there's a better way to do it, please reply :)

Also, if it's not obvious, I'm leaving out all the discussion about port forwarding and VPNs and all that. If you can reach your BI system remotely, your already set up to feed the individual "cameras" into another system.
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For the record, that's the exact URL and syntax in the included link that I posted July 23 in post #3 above. It was from April 18 and entitled "Show cam stream from a Remote BI server on a Local BI server".

For the record and proper recognition of your efforts it's also worth noting that should someone follow the link, it's a much better and more thorough explanation than my brief answer. With included screenshots.

I'll like your post as well, it was nicely done.
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I'm getting a 400 Bad Request when adding cameras like this. I tried the URL in my browser and it does start a download.
I'm getting a 400 Bad Request when adding cameras like this. I tried the URL in my browser and it does start a download.
It's a stream, a browser won't play it. Blue Iris will if you set it up as mentioned in link in post #7 above.

How about posting a screenshot of your failing cam config in Blue Iris? You likely have bad syntax or path in the URL.
It's a stream, a browser won't play it. Blue Iris will if you set it up as mentioned in link in post #7 above.

How about posting a screenshot of your failing cam config in Blue Iris? You likely have bad syntax or path in the URL.

I realize it won't play it but it does start a download for it (just to prove the URL is correct).

I'll get a screenshot and post it.
Here's a screenshot -- I just changed the host for privacy reasons but the host was correct and the username/password is correct as well.


  • bi.png
    507.5 KB · Views: 12
Also, no port after hostname?
And that cam short name is the correct cam short name of the REMOTE cam?
The site is HTTPS and runs on the standard port (so it defaults to 443).
And that cam short name is the correct cam short name of the REMOTE cam?
And that cam short name is the correct cam short name of the REMOTE cam?

Correct -- as I mentioned I tested the URL in Chrome and it started a download (continuous) for it which was the stream itself downloading. I'm going to check something because it goes through an Apache reverse proxy, maybe Chrome is not doing something that BI is and that's why it works there.