Composite video?


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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I dont know the answer to your question but the 2732 dome camera comes with a bnc connector that if memory serves me right you can attached in the inside...i believe this is used just for adjusting the zoom/focus at the time of installation with a hand held monitor....I have seen some lesser known brands that have a bnc and ethernet connection on the pigtail...are you interested in using it as an out to a local monitor?
Nov 17, 2014
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I can see many applications, but first I want to connect my FPV multirotor receiver to make a simple to configure interface for a smartphone. The base station can go on top of a hill or tall building. This way the range of the 5.8ghz video signal can be extended when the craft is low to the ground, for a few miles. Already I can control the copter via internet. I realize there will be huge latency, but it doesn't matter when the quadcopter is autonomous. Does anyone know of a specific model where I can connect composite video to be viewed remotely?


IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO
these arent the type of cameras you want to be using for FPV

check out:

Flying a helicopter remotely without someone having direct eyes on it is bad behavior; and a surefire way to completely loose your rig when it flies away.. I suggest you follow RC guidelines on FPV as its already in great danger of being outright outlawed because of idiots on the loose... Airspace is controlled by the feds and there about to come down on the hobby with a heavy fist.. I suspect the drone fantasies playing out in your head will be a felony to actually do before long. You (or a spotter with FPV) must maintain visual contact with the craft at all times.. ignoring all that technically your not getting miles away with legal 5GHz radio kits.. its the best quality but the lowest power and less reflective so line of sight and directional antennas are required to get any good distance, so that needs an antenna tracker that can maintain visual.

A Multirotor is a dangerous craft that can hurt and maim people if you cannot maintain control, your autopilot dont care if its about to cut some kids face up in order to maintain altitude...

Go read up on how unreliable autopilot really is, and how bad things go awry when it looses a gps signal or reboots midflight and heads off to the coast of africa (gps coords 0,0), and then google around for injuries caused by multirotors.. and then for good measure watch last week's south park episode.

** WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT ** Google Search "Multirotor Injuries"
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Nov 17, 2014
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I would not use it as a camera for FPV. That's why I mentioned the 5.8ghz FPV receiver. There would always be a LOS observer. Thank you for your concern, but I have been flying LOS for 40+ years, and FPV for 6. I guess from your response what I'm asking to do is possible with a Hikvision camera, or you wouldn't have been so animated. I am intimately familiar with autonomous flight, as this is my career in the Defense industry. You're wrong about the maximum distance with 5.8ghz. I am a licensed Amateur Radio Operator since 1977. I regularly fly 5 miles away with a clear video signal. Any other questions? Steve


IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO
i have no idea if its possible, I highly suspect it is not.. anywase; few if any have any where near the specs you want for FPV, like a fast and very wide WDR.. you turn these into the sun and your blinded for far too long.

if you know what your doing why are you looking at hacking IPCameras for analoug output? kudos on long flying career and having a license for high power output in 5Ghz but your on the wrong site for FPV hardware.. security cameras are entirely different beasts and IP cameras are all about digital, which I dont believe is small enough for FPV for the cost.
Nov 17, 2014
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What I'm proposing ADDS to the safety of my setup. I can still view the 5.8ghz video from my location directly. In addition when I fly low with an object blocking the signal, I can still see it with the IP camera station. This is in addition to a LOS observer and autonomous RTH as a backup. If you read the current regulations carefully, you will see that FPV is still legal, so long as your view is not blocked by wearing Fatshark goggles or a headset. A monitor is legal within the distance limitations.

Can anyone recommend a specific unit that meets my needs?
Nov 17, 2014
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I would not be using the camera or sensor part of the unit at all. It would be completely disconnected. Please read my original posts again, before you reply. It is clear that you're not understanding. Let me clarify. I will connect the FPV RECEIVER where the CMOS sensor was in the IP cam. Get it?


IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO
I see, so doing WiFi would be too much latency and IPCameras are very prone to latency... your best bet would be an old fashoned analouge security camera, not an IP camera...

or wait, now you confused me again.. your trying to turn your wireless FPV stream into an IP Stream? you dont need no camera hacking for that there's analouge to IP converters.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO
pardon my candidness earlier; you came to a Security camera forum asking some really random stuff about hacking IP cameras for some sort of FPV use to go miles away; I made a wrong assumption you were just some hopelessly lost newbie. I hope you understand how I came to that conclusion, I know well the laws on FPV and RC aircraft, ive done my best to help push the technology along... you have to admit its becoming badly abused the general public with cheap hardware and autopilots... Its not like when I grew up where you went to a field and got training and a solid education before even putting your finger on a stick, and that of course had someone elses finger on the master controls at all times until you had enough flight time to do it alone.

now please explain, clearly what it is you want to accomplish.. the big picture, not the IPCamera.. you got me interested.
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Nov 17, 2014
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That's exactly what I want, a composite video to IP converter, but they are expensive. And difficult to setup. I'd like to see the video on a smartphone. Cheaply as it will be part of a product I'm selling. Please prove me wrong. I simply want to connect the 5.8 receiver where the CMOS sensor is, instead of it. This "station" can be placed remotely on a hill or tall building with Wifi. 1 sec latency is not a problem for my application. Already I can control my craft via website. To do this I've used the Electric Imp, together with Mifi when needed. I'm building a plane with a 60 mile range, about 3 hours, to fly autonomously. Please help? You seem very knowledgeable.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO

thats going to be a huge bird, gas powered I presume? thats pretty ambitious if your keeping it under 50lbs.. im dying for details, ive seen 30-40mile fpv flights (15-20 miles out and then back) online and thought those were absurd, and technically extremely impressive :)

you planning on FPVing across the english channel or straits of morroco?
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Nov 17, 2014
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That's a nice find thanks! Looks to work easily with VLC. BUT it's more expensive, and the audio quality and video resolution are bad. Found it for $77. You don't think my idea is possible? If so, I don't see the down side.

Li-Ion fliashlight battery powered. 10.5AH. Only takes 3A to cruise at 20mph.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO
i dont think your idea is impossible at all.. Ive got a 7ft wing behind me with GPS and experimental Autopilot and radios, just not the time, weather or money to keep working on it right now.. it can cruise slow or rip it up fast, ive kept it up about an hour and a half, auto take off, auto hold position and auto landing.. but its got no FPV gear on it so I dont let it get too far away.. just working on the bird and autopilot sucked up any money I thought I could scrounge up for FPV gear.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO

BFW-1P, Big Fucking Wing 1st Prototype... Its due for a rename as its on about the umteenth rebirth since that photo.. its a great platform for testing your own autopilot on, since I am writing code and making hardware for it I dont feel comfortable testing it with expensive FPV gear on it, at least thats my excuse. :)
Nov 17, 2014
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Nice wing! I've flown an unpowered heavy wing above the Sierras, with the birds, for years. My recent large wing here, is not a success. Instead I enjoy flying a C-Rey at the beach, with a 2g camera and VTx. I was not asking about my 3 hour idea, I know that is possible. Will let you know this month if it's not too cold. I was back to the idea of cutting the Composite video wire between the sensor and encoder on a Foscam? Is it possible? Or is it a digital signal in these cheap cameras? The way I see it, I will be buying 500 to start. Since they are about $40, and function at least as well as any wireless IP security cam, the true cost is about $20, if you need both functions. Compared to the $90 unit you found for me, counting shipping. The difference can be calculated at $35,000 in the end. I'm thinking big. I believe an IP cam is easier for a consumer to setup the first time. Am I correct?


IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO
foscam is shit for hardware, and im almost positive most IP Cameras have 100% digital signaling, the sony or exmos sensors are digital and require a DAC to convert to analogue; which I highly doubt is included into any IPCam, as there is no use for it, except for aiming with a monitor, but now days people use there phones so those arent even needed.

Anywase the chip going from the cmos sensor into the microproccessor that does the IP Video streaming is surely expecting a digital source.
Nov 17, 2014
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foscam is shit for hardware, and im almost positive most IP Cameras have 100% digital signaling, the sony or exmos sensors are digital and require a DAC to convert to analogue; which I highly doubt is included into any IPCam, as there is no use for it, except for aiming with a monitor, but now days people use there phones so those arent even needed.

Anywase the chip going from the cmos sensor into the microproccessor that does the IP Video streaming is surely expecting a digital source.
Can you tell me specifically which sensor is used in any Foscam or Hikvision model?


IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO
Sony Exmor more than likely, would have to check the spec sheets.. majority of 1080p+ IPCameras (and nearly all camera phones) use them.. some older or lower res ones are using the pre-exmor sony digital ccd