Configuration Question Camera & BI

Sorry, but there is no way an a 920 overclocked to 3ghz will outperform a stock 4790...not possible..something else is wrong. I would not recommend overclocking a NVR pc...its will destroy the power consumption...

It does seem like quite a stretch, it could be he has a setting in the BIOS wrong making it worse, however, speeding up the memory bus has a way bigger impact than you think, and of course there is always the energy saving functions for the 4790 (including underclocking and overclocking itself automatically). I do agree somewhat with the power consumption thing, however, if his computer is pushing over 70% ALL the time as a NVR the power saving features of the CPU wont have as big an impact. If it was me I would overclock the RAM (lower the timings specifically - don't care so much for a speed increase), and monitor the power consumption as I was overclocking. I bet he can OC it without dramatically affecting the power consumption that much.

I remember OC'ing an AMD 386 in a computer I had that beat everyones fancy new intel 486 (which was a fortune at the time - pissed off alot of my friends that just paid over $1,000 for there fancy i486) - hehe (showing my age here). I can speed a computer up significantly without affecting the power curve of it, I know because I'm doing it on this computer - it uses exactly 3 watts more than when not OC'd (and I didn't OC the CPU at all - just memory, video, and bus timings). Never underestimate a well balanced system. :D

Just going thru the OC'ing process might help discover a MB setting that is set wrong - I'd just keep an eye on the power usage (as you suggest).
LOL, (sorry couldn't help it), your problem is a simple one. Since you're running the 4790 at stock speeds (I'm assuming) and you were running the 920 OC'd the problem is one of system balance, and a good lesson on what affects the speed of a computer. When you OC'd your CPU you probably changed the timings and perhaps voltages of the CPU and memory (wait states) to make it run stable - this is normal. What you have discovered is that a MB is a matter of balance, memory speed matters, low level bus speeds matter, and done properly (I'm assuming your 920 was done correctly when you OC'd it) the balance gives better performance than just a straight CPU upgrade, which you have now just discovered.

This is actually a very detailed subject - I'm only brushing on things here for brevity, it is a complicated subject to explain in exacting detail - but rest assured I know what I'm talking about, I've been OC'ing for decades. :D

Don't fret, after you OC your 4790 you will find it outperforms your 920 - so get to OC'ing. :cool:

That might be the case, if I hadn't replaced the MB (the 920 is a socket 1366, the 4790 is a socket 1150), memory (socket 1366 is triple channel ddr, 4790 is duel channel) and power supply.
So all of a sudden it's dropped itself down to 34% and seems to be rather stable at that usage. I was hoping it would be down in the 20's but I'll take it.
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@fenderman it's a 4790, 380W 80% Bronze PS, 8GB (2x4) Hyper-X Kingston memory. I run a 1TB Seagate drive as the boot drive. Another 2TB Seagate as the graveyard drive and as the primary data drive for the recordings a 3ware RAID controller with three; 4 TB's WD RED drives at RAID 5.
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Increased up to 44%. This setup better be able to run 10 cameras at 1080p.
What are your recording settings? Frame rate? Bit rate, direct to disc? Pretriggeer frames?
I have set them all as the settings to reduce usage as best I can. Resolution is 1080P @ 30 FPS. Bit Rate is 4096 and yes, D2D is on all the cameras. Pretigger is set to 90. The receive buffer is set to 10.
That might be the case, if I hadn't replaced the MB (the 920 is a socket 1366, the 4790 is a socket 1150), memory (socket 1366 is triple channel ddr, 4790 is duel channel) and power supply.

Ya, I really didn't think that fully thru on the model change - for some reason I had it stuck in my head it was just a CPU change (and I should know better). I do still think tweaking your memory and bus timings (I also tweaked the intel video a bit - but that is very sensitive, didn't get much out of it) will be worth it, and wont affect your power usage.

Sorry for any confusion. :sad2:
I have set them all as the settings to reduce usage as best I can. Resolution is 1080P @ 30 FPS. Bit Rate is 4096 and yes, D2D is on all the cameras. Pretigger is set to 90. The receive buffer is set to 10.
Just to give you an idea, i have a system with BI3, i7-4770 running 8 cameras 6x3mp and 2x2mp plus a low res vga (the vga cam is in the server closet so its black and never recording until someone opens the closet and an alert is sent to the owner)..cams are at 15-20 frames per second (its a mix) D2D, and most are set to 40 pretrigger frames..the system hovers at 17-22..
You might try, lowering the pretrigger to 60 on the cams...make sure all your drivers are updated as well.
Are you using the 64 bit version of BI? You might want to try the 32bit version...My CPU usage just went up again on the latest x64 release of BI (