Connect remote BlueIris server to local BlueIris server


Getting the hang of it
Aug 5, 2016
One owner, 5 restaurants.

We have a central BI server that connects to all the restaurant cameras. One location has been upgraded from 6 720p to 16 cameras ranging from 720p to 2K, and the Comcast connection just isn't fast enough for that load at decent quality.

So we installed a local BI system at that location. However, the owner would still like to view the cameras in a unified view from his office.

I was able to connect the central BI system to the local one by using a Generic camera, MJPEG streaming, with a BI username/password and /mjpg/shortcameraname as the path. So, acceptable video.

But no audio, and no ability to pan and tilt the cameras.

Can anyone suggest a better way to connect from one BI server to another?

you can stream h.264...see the help file for the url...there are also several threads that discuss how to set it up.
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you can stream h.264...see the help file for the url...there are also several threads that discuss how to set it up.

Thanks for the reply. I went back on your suggestion and made a more thorough effort to look through the help file, and now have h264 streaming and PTZ going. No audio as of yet.

I don't suppose you could refer me to one of the other threads? I've tried googling and searching on the forum, but I must not be using the right language.
same here. I'm trying to do this as well. I have two location. let me explain location1 has Blue Iris 5 with 8 local IP cameras. witch works fine. now location2 has 2 cameras running Blue Iris 4. at my location1 or anywhere I'm able to watch the web address of the location2 what I would like to do is add location2 blue iris4 to the location1 of Blue Iris 5. I tried many settings