OK here is where I am at,....
Already ordered:
1000ft solid cat6 from Monoprice
RJ45 WITh Inserts from Monoprice
Klein VDV226-107 RJ45
crimp tool
Proxicast Pro grade weaherprood self bonding tape 30mil.
Ordering from Andy:
NVR5216 w/out ports
(2) 5231ZR
(1) 5231ZE
(1) 5231 ZE5
(1) 5231 ZE12
------------------- want to try out different zooms for myself! Feel free to give opinions on that theory!
Dahua junction boxes for all above (may not need for all but Ill at least get a few)
(1) hdbw4231 -- figured I'd try this near my front door,...if turrets work better I have 2 other places I can install it
Home Depot --
mounting block for siding -in case I may need
siding removal tool --JUST in case some cable needs to be routed that way
Now for the hard part,....and I swear I have done my own research but now that I want to find it again,...my brain is fried and I quit!!!
so,...PLEASE make my life easier and tell me what PoE switch to get. I read through the PoE suggestion thread but I have no idea which one is better/best?!!
Same with Purple 6TB HDD's some say PURX some say PurZ,...I THINK Z just means newer,...but should I go with Purple Purz or even something else?
And I know choosing a monitor is easy breezy as long as its 1080p or greater,... can be TV or PC monitor,....but my research brings me in the 70-100 dollar range (TV anyway) Is that average or is there a "known" monitor that most people like for quality AND price?
I'll do my own research on Comcast compatible routers and I know some were recommended so Ill go back and look, so I wont ask that again,....yet!
But is there anything else I am missing? (fish tape and fish rods are already on the list!)