Custom Firmware Downgrader 5.3.0 Chinese to 5.2.5 English


IPCT Contributor
Oct 3, 2014
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@Del Boy is correct DS-2CD2132F is not at end of life and its replace by any other model, the Chinese are saying this to sell you a cheaper hacked Chinese model.

Also be carefull as the old rule of being red colourful box being international models is no longer true, as new Chinese models also shipping in colour retail boxes.
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Young grasshopper
Sep 13, 2015
Reaction score
looking at getting one of these cameras V5.3.6, DS-2CD2135F-IS , am I able to downgrade to 5.2.5 so it will work on my NVR running 3.08?
You can help reduce both the firmware from 5.3.6 to 5.3.3. or 5.2.5?
Maybe you have firmware 5.3.3 150,624 Chinese?
May 25, 2016
Reaction score
Can any one help me to change the language from Chinese to English for my HIKVISION DS-2CD3325-I camera's. My NVR is DS-7104N-SN/P which I have already change from Chinese to English (Working firmware version is 3.0.13).


Jun 2, 2016
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Big thanks to this thread who help me to de-brick my camera ! (I had to change the langage of the downgrader to get my camera back)
Jun 13, 2016
Reaction score
Many Thanks to you !
It works for me (Hikvision DS-2CD2432F-IW purchased at Aliexpress) :
5.3.0 (Chinese) -> 5.2.5 (Chinese) and then 5.1.6 (English) with same TFTP method (I didn't try the mtd hack).

Very good job and again thanks for sharing !


Young grasshopper
May 18, 2015
Reaction score
I really hope the Chinese cameras on V5.2.5 are one day upgradeable to V5.4.0 - dang Google deprecated SSLv3 and forces TLS now for SMTP, which isn't supported on older firmware...


IPCT Contributor
Oct 3, 2014
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I really hope the Chinese cameras on V5.2.5 are one day upgradeable to V5.4.0 - dang Google deprecated SSLv3 and forces TLS now for SMTP, which isn't supported on older firmware...
There is currently still no reason to be on a higher firmware than 5.25. You gain nothing from the upgrade.

What people are messing with is not worth it.
This is a camera that is used to record images, it's not an iphone or Android to play games on, once set up leave it alone to do the job it was designed for catch bad guys.
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Del Boy

Getting comfortable
Mar 19, 2015
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UK - England
v5.4.0 isn't for 3MP cameras... this is another way that people end up bricking their cameras.

I'm still amazed to this day how many people try to kill things. Only 50% of iPhones are on the latest OS. I still have an iPhone 4S on an older version, I won't update it because I know it will ruin the phone (slow, less battery etc) and you can't downgrade it.


Young grasshopper
May 18, 2015
Reaction score
There is currently still no reas on to be on a higher firmware than 5.25. You gain nothing from the upgrade.

What people are messing with is not worth it.
This is a camera that is used to record images, it's not an iphone or Android to play games on, once set up leave it alone to do the job it was designed for catch bad guys.
Whoops thought I was on the NVR thread. I'm eagerly looking for an update so that I can use TLS with SMTP, so yes, I need new firmware.

How long have 5.2.5 folks left their firmware running continuously for? At the 6 month mark, 1 by 1 my cameras started freezing and needed a restart. I guess 6 months isn't bad.


Jul 5, 2016
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So I had my DS-2CD2032F-IW installed for over a year. Never messed with firmware. I guess just because I didn't know any better. Anyways fast forward to today. Started to be dumb and of course applied what I shouldn't have. Yep, the same old story. Here is the thing: I have a Chinese cam. The sticker on the camera says "V5.3.0_150513". Something else says "Q/BFW 006-2015". Rest is in Chinese. Anyways, I tried the downgrader. I tried so many things. And this is what I experienced. If I mess it up really good, it reverts to recovery mode and I can see the cam in SADP Tool with version 4.x. If I can succeed with TFTP, I reboot the cam once done, it seems to get the IP. I can ping it. I can scan my network with a scanning tool and it shows that IP belongs to Hikvision. To check that, I continuously ping the cam, unplug it and notice the device drops from the network so I conclude it is my cam. But if I open the SADP tool, it never shows up. If I open my browser to go to, I never get to the login page. I tried mulltiple PCs and multiple browsers.

So what should I conclude at this point? I relied on the hiktools to make sure the region is set to 2 or the TFTP process never works. So I consistently get the TFTP download to work with the "System Update Completed" message at the end. Any suggestions before I give up for good?


Jul 5, 2016
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I would like to thank the OP whoslooking!! I did something stupid, I usually do. I learn the hard way. I have over 15 years in IT. My mistake? Amazon Prime customer, need a cam, buy one with what looks like a lot of positive review, hooked it up quickly and told myself to get back to it later to tweak it. So a year later, without thinking if I had a Chinese or US version, you guessed it, I applied the wrong firmware and killed it. I spent hours reading around here and would like to thank everyone else as well.

So my camera showed the 5.3.0_150513 label on the back of it. After spending some time around here but being overwhelmed with all that info, I started to understand the concept of having a Chinese cam and trying to apply a US firmware is a problem. That's what the hiktools utility helps with. Cool. So I got familiar with that. I also used the Downgrader posted here. And not enough patience will hurt you. Not knowing what to expect next will hurt you. Not thinking outside the box and prepare yourself to get feedback for the steps you are taking will hurt you.

I had dead firmware on some HP storage devices costing $20K and up. I also killed firmware on android devices. So I am familiar with methods posted online to revive a dead device by multiple generous people like whoslooking. Many times I was ready to just give up but I'm stubborn, lucky me. LOL (not that great for my Wife sometimes....). So be patient and do not just press buttons unless instructions clearly state so.

Here is what I did and I think I should share with everyone. As a network guy, I check for pulse, meaning I ping, ping and ping so more. Do that. I opened multiple cmd windows with pinging continuously those critical IP addresses. Having more than one computer to do all of this help. I had my laptop on my 192.168.1.x LAN, typical. And I had my desktop set as Subnet set to Nothing else. Then on my desktop (the one with IP open a cmd window and ping continuously (ping -t). It is a heart monitor from now on for your cam you will try to revive. On my laptop which is on my default LAN of 192.168.1.x, I started to ping continuously the Why? Because in some cases the cam might come back or be reset with that IP. It could also be a sign that even if the firmware seemed to have been applied properly (getting a successful TFTP transfer yet not working) AND you will get replies to the address, you will notice that it might not show up in the SADP Tool and it might not open under your browser of your choice (that happened to me SO many times).

Many times I would have the TFTP utility running listening under the interface of my desktop waiting for the cam to boot up and try to fetch a possible firmware update from That's why the cam uses the IP for the first 3-5 seconds it starts the boot process. If the TFTP server doesn't run, then it tries to load the installed firmware (considering it the "OS" of the cam). If the "OS" is dead then it will lock up and go into recovery mode. Bottom line you need to go to square one and try again.

In my successful attempts, I saw this:
. TFTP server running under the with digicap.dav file ready to be served through tftp protocol to (the cam).
2. Power up cam then watched the TFTP status window for activity AND watched the continuous ping on my desktop as well to
3. I can see the camera started to respond to pings at and the TFTP server starting to serve (transmit) the firmware file (digicap.dav). If you read around here you will find out what it should say.
4. Now here is the thing, once it says it completed the transfer to the cam, the continuous ping to should be steady and not stop until you get the TFTP message that says "Device [] system update completed!". If the ping stops before you ever get the "Device [] system update completed!" message then back to square one. Period. (wrong firmware, corrupt firmware, bad network cable, bad attempt, missed something, wrong region that might need to be addressed with hiktools, etc). NOW, if you get the successful message of "Device [] system update completed!", things can be different based on what I read around here. See next step.
5. I got the "Device [] system update completed!" message multiple times. Even with wrong firmwares. And after that the cam stays on. What I noticed is that the cam tends to start responding to the pings and from what I experienced, it's NO good. I can't see it in SADP Tool unless it's in recovery mode (useless for me) or the it is inaccessible via browser.
6. Close the TFTP utility so you don't apply the firmware twice as you will reboot cam in next step.
7. So I had to turn off power to the cam then turn it back on. Consistently. The cam NEVER rebooted on its own, ever. And trust me I flashed this thing SO many times trying to revive it. So you might run into this issue. Either way the continuous ping to will eventually stops. I ended up waiting even though I couldn't tell for how long, just in case there was still things happening "behind my back".
8. Now when you manually reboot it, just watch your two pinging windows. YUou should at least see a little bit (2) of the replies from, looking for a TFTP server then it should move on. In my case, it stopped one ping once (timeout) then it showed I was freaking out since the TFTP server was not running. I didn't know what was going on. I looked at the pings coming one after another from I was also looking at the front of the camera and noticed the IR LEDs turned off. I started to get excited.
9. I looked over to my SADP Tool and sure enough, the device showed up with the 5.2.5 firmware!!!! I changed the settings to freflect my home LAN with an IP in the 192.168.1.x subnet. Used the 12345 default password. It should immediately tell you it successfully got applied.
10. Open your browser and point to that new IP you assigned. And sure enough, I got to access my super dead now alive cam. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

I had one extra issue: it was all in Chinese. Lucky for me I had another Hikvision cam with fairly close version of firmware so without knowing chinese I managed to get to some of the configuration fairly easy. So what's next? Wll I used whoslooking MTD hack. I read the thread but more importantly watched the video. Again, I guess maybe because of my background I could easily understand why the steps were taken and how to proceed. That doesn't mean I understand deeply what's going on behind the scenes. But monkey see monkey do and after messing around with the right path syntax (there is a backslash I overlooked in the video to the share folder), I was back in business on first try.

WHATEVER you do: patience, triple check, read, watch, and repeat. You will succeed.

Sorry for the very long post. Hope it is therapeutic. :)


Jul 13, 2016
Reaction score
I tried to solve the gmail failure problem and bricked my 2CD2132 (CCH serial number) by updating to v5.4.0
Then I used the 4-line 5.2.5 firmware, and it came back with Chinese language.
Does anyone successfully use smtp server from hotmail or yahoo? What's the setting?

v5.4.0 isn't for 3MP cameras... this is another way that people end up bricking their cameras.

I'm still amazed to this day how many people try to kill things. Only 50% of iPhones are on the latest OS. I still have an iPhone 4S on an older version, I won't update it because I know it will ruin the phone (slow, less battery etc) and you can't downgrade it.


Young grasshopper
Jun 18, 2014
Reaction score
There is currently still no reason to be on a higher firmware than 5.25. You gain nothing from the upgrade.
Do you got ALARM PUSH NOTIFICATIONS working with Intrusion Detection and Line Crossing Detection on FW 5.2.5 or lower ??
As far as I can say, and I have tested few different cameras, with different FW versions, PUSH NOTIFICATIONS don't work.

E-mails work fine, but ALARM PUSH NOTIFICATIONS (notify surveillance center) does NOT work on my CCCH Chinese Hikvision Cameras for Intrusion Detection and Line Crossing Detection. Motion Detection alarm push notifications work fine.
DS-2CD2432F-IW FW V5.2.5 build 141201
DS-2CD2532F-IS FW V5.2.3 build 141024
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Getting the hang of it
Dec 19, 2015
Reaction score
This works fine in 5.2.5 and also there is a 4 Line Version here.


Young grasshopper
Jun 18, 2014
Reaction score
This works fine in 5.2.5 and also there is a 4 Line Version here.
@Defender666 - which build exactly are you talking about? which camera version (serial number containing CH - Chinese or WR - World/Multi language) ?

I have tested on 14 different cameras (8 CH cameras, 6 WR cameras)
5x DS-2CD2532F-IS FW V5.2.3 build 141024 (Chinese version - with CH in the serial number)
3x DS-2CD2432F-IW FW V5.2.5 build 141201 (Chinese version - with CH in the serial number)

Alarm Push Notifications does NOT work for Intrusion Detection and Line Crossing Detection. Alarm Push Notifications only work for Motion Detection, but I don't want to use Motion Detection notifications, since there are too many false alarms so smart phone is "beeping" constantly.

Intrusion Detection and Line Crossing Detection:
Notify Surveillance Center - does NOT work
Send Email - works fine
Upload to FTP - works fine
Trigger Channel - works fine

however on WR cameras (bought from official supplier) alarm push notifications work fine for both Intrusion Detection and Line Crossing Detection
tested with 6 WR cammeras:
4x DS-2CD2122FWD-IS FW V5.3.8 151224 (European version - with WR in the serial number)
2x DS-2CD2122FWD-IS FW V5.4.0 160401 (European version - with WR in the serial number)

Intrusion Detection and Line Crossing Detection:
Notify Surveillance Center - does work
Send Email - works fine
Upload to FTP - works fine
Trigger Channel - works fine

so the problem is either firmware version, or chinese camera "limitation" ?? whatever that would be
I am not the only one facing this issue:
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Getting the hang of it
Dec 19, 2015
Reaction score
I did never try the alarm push to a smartphone.

Why dont you just send Email with Picture to your smartphone.

The option Notify Surveillance Center is rather for Desktop Software. This works to trigger recording on IVMS Desktop and Recorders

I talk about the 5.2.5 Firmware not the 5.2.3 on CH Cameras


Young grasshopper
Jun 18, 2014
Reaction score
I have asked you does Alarm Push Notifications - Notify Surveillance Center works fine in FW 5.2.5 so you have replied:
This works fine in 5.2.5 and also there is a 4 Line Version here.

I did never try the alarm push to a smartphone.
Why dont you just send Email with Picture to your smartphone.
Email is not very convenient, because I would like push notification and ability to reach recording per click, which is possible in iVMS-4500

Notify Surveillance Center - is used to send "push" signal to devices, regardless if that is iVMS-4200 running on a PC, or NVR, or iVMS-4500 running on a smartphone or a tablet.

here are settings, I have checked "Notify Surveillance Center" and "Send Email"
Email is coming fine for both Intrusion Detection and Line Crossing Detection, but push notifications are not working :((

Intrusion Detection Settings:

Line Crossing Detection settings:

Motion Detection settings:

as you can see here
Alarm - Push Notification working ONLY for Motion Detection on FW 5.2.5

Push Notifications are not working for Intrusion Detection and Line Crossing Detection
it is related only to either FW 5.2.5 and below, or CH Chinese cameras

Push Notifications are working fine with Motion Detection, Intrusion Detection and Line Crossing Detection on WR Cameras and FW 5.3.8 ; FW 5.4.0, I can confirm that
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Aug 8, 2016
Reaction score
Hi I need help. I instaled new soft from EU 5.3 but now I cant connecto co camera, before I had V5.2.5 build 141201 ad model of camera is DS-2CD2132F-IWS. I
I tried to upload the original soft again according to the instructions but I have a problem TFTP server shows olny " initialized".... I change IP in PC to, off windows firewall and restart camera and nothig..... TFTP server dont connecting to cameras. Can someone help me why I can't connect to camera? I use Windows 10. Please help
the server shows only one row


Getting the hang of it
Dec 19, 2015
Reaction score
Use the downgrader here in the thread.

I believe you did not change the rest of the IP settings correctly. The TFTP always react for me.

PS. Actually it is the camera connecting on boot up to the TFTP not the TFTP connecting to the camera.