Getting comfortable
Can I just check then that if I had no lighting where the camera would go then the issue with this cam would be poor quality low light images whereas the 5231/2231 would be much better
Tonight I'll tack my 2231 up and shoot you a real-world video in the scene shown below, if fog doesn't return and foil my plan. This is where my 2.8mm Hik is slated to go. My gut reaction is, light or no light, the Hik Darkfighter will be quite competitive with the 2MP Dahua Starlights.
With floodlights in the plan, if it were me I would start with one of the Hiks you're planning on, and put it in the scene you're doubtful about. If you like the results, go ahead and track down the 6mm model for that spot. If not, buy your last camera accordingly. The 6mm does exist, Andy doesn't carry it (yet).