Did you report the problem to the dealer in writing (email) from whom you had bought the NVR? When and in which country had you bought the NVR? Had the problem already been there with an older firmware? My NVR had earlier a firmware 4.001.x from summer 2021 and that older firmware had no problem . One can still buy that NVR with such older firmware. I have also two other ipcams (but not in use at present), one 12MP-fisheye from HIKVISION and one 6MP- doorstation from MOBOTIX. I will try to reproduce your error after X-mas and will let you know. For that you may let me know your network setting (TCP, RTSP etc).
Update 2023-08-21: Megteh.eu contacted me and apologized. My email was filtered by mistake, so no one saw my messages
I bought my NVR from Megateh.eu. They have very good recensions, but they didnt answer at all when I emailed them for support

The problem was not there with the older firmware from 2021. After the upgrade, the problem occured. Unfortunately, I cannot downgrade. I tried with like 5 different versions.... I think they are not allowed to downgrade, only upgrade? :/ I also tried downgrading to the "one but latest", without result.
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